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Chris slowly pushed the front door open, running a tattooed hand through his hair. As exhausted as he was from taking every job opportunity he could, it was all worth it. He'd be able to take a week off in Paris with the one he loved.

Speaking of which, Ricky perked up when he heard the taller man open the door. He gasped and shot up from the bed, skipping a few steps down the stairs as he ran to Chris. He wrapped his arms around him, giggling when Chris lifted and twirled him.

"I have amazing news, Pumpkin Pie!" He smiled, hiding his sleepiness.

"What's that, Daddy?" Ricky asked with a similar smile, taking in the sexiness of his lover in a suit. He kissed his neck, nearly moaning at the scent of his cologne.

"First, I need to apologize for working so much. I did it all for you, Baby." He whispered, kissing Ricky's cheek as he set his feet on the ground. He then grabbed his bag, of which he kept his camera set. He unzipped it and pulled out two tickets. "You and me are going to Paris, Baby."

Ricky gasped and snatched the tickets, smiling widely. "Oh, Chris! These must have costed you a fortune, why did you do this?!"

"You and I need to have a romantic getaway." Chris shrugged as he took Ricky's hands. "Just you, me... No work, just love... Sex, kisses, cuddles... Dates..." He whispered in Ricky's ear, nibbling gently. "I worked my ass off to get these for us, so you have to go." He teased.

Ricky suppressed a moan, shutting his eyes. "D-Daddy... That sounds wonderful. When are we leaving?"

Chris smirked. "Four AM."

"What?! Baby, that's such late notice! I need to get a kitty-sitter-"

"Already handled it,"

"B-But you need to have someone watch the house-"

"Ryan's got it... C'mon, Doll. Stop stressing, okay? Everything is handled, all we need to do is pack."

"Packing! Chris, I don't even-"

Chris shut Ricky up by kissing his lips. "I know. I bought you a suitcase already... Now please, will you just trust me on this?"

Ricky huffed. "My medica-"

"I already got you prescription filled." Chris sighed, kissing each of his pink cheeks. "Let's pack and take a nap. We'll need the energy." He whispered as he picked Ricky up off his feet. "I'll make you some naptime tea, okay? You just go lay down, Daddy will be in there in a bit."

Ricky nodded, pressing their lips together for a few moments before scampering upstairs. Chris watched him go, chuckling at the realization that Ricky was still in his pajamas (Chris' shirt and a pair of booty shorts). He then went into the kitchen, boiling a pot of water.

He sang softly, something he often did when he was alone. Ricky always enjoyed it, saying Chris' voice was beautiful, but Chris didn't agree. Singing was something he liked to do when he was alone so nobody could judge him. However, he was the judge of all his actions, and typically beat himself up.

As he made the tea for Ricky, he let his mind wander. Ricky was so beautiful to him. He was completely in love with him, and there was nothing Ricky could do to make him stop giving him everything. Ricky was his little porcelain doll, to be treated like so.

Ricky was beautiful. His flower, his rose. People want to hurt the things that are beautiful. Like a tornado hitting a small town, or a toddler plucking a flower from the grass. Ricky was his everything. He worshipped him, he would die for him. He needed to protect him.

As Chris walked back to the bedroom with Ricky's mug, he noticed that the sweetheart had laid out some comfortable clothes for him. "Since you do so much for me, Baby, I figured the least I could do was give you somethin' snuggly. A-And I packed your suitcase, too." He gave a soft smile as he took the mug, nodding to Chris' warning of it being hot. "I love you, Daddy."

Chris stripped down to his boxers, then grabbed the pair of joggers Ricky had laid out for him. "I love you too, Darling. You're my everything." He purred in reply while grabbing the hairbrush to comb out his knots.

"Ooh, lemme do it, Daddy! I'll make Dada look super gowgeous." He giggled, taking the hairbrush from Chris. "Mmh, Dada?"

"Yes, my special prince?" Chris replied as he sat on the bed to allow Ricky to play with his hair.

"When are you gonna cut your hair again? Not that I don't like it, I just wanna know. I think you look very, very sexy with a mohawk... Like how you did a while back? With the little ear-tails?" He rambled, tying a bit of Chris' hair back. He then pointed to the hair on the sides. "Like, cut that off, maybe?"

"Dunno. I like my hair how it is, but since the summertime is rolling around, a mohawk would be pretty good. We'll see, Babe." Chris chuckled, letting Ricky braid his hair. "What'cha doin'?"

"Mikey told me that if ya braid your hair before bed, you'll wan up with waves! 'N' it'll n easier ta brush, too. I jus' wanna see Daddy wit' waves. He'll look super gorgeous." Ricky explained as he finished up, taking his place in Chris' lap. He wrapped his arms around his neck, sighing in content. "I love you so much, Daddy. You're everything ta me."

Chris smiled, his arms snaking around Ricky's waist. He rested his forehead against his shoulder. "I love you too. I'll never stop loving you, Baby..."

Ricky hummed, "Daddy... Will you sing for me?" He asked. "Please? Somethin'... Lovey."

Chris thought about it for a few moments. "Fine, but only because you asked." He pecked Ricky's lips, taking a small breath. "Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you..." He sang, holding him close.

Ricky smiled and shut his eyes, swaying slightly to the words. He even sang a bit, himself. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help, falling in love... With you..."


I'm extremely indecisive about how they should meet up with Devin and Vinny. So, to buy a bit of time to think, I decided that Paris first, then Ghauro... Anyway, I also would highly appreciate song reccomendations for later on. Love songs, of course.

Song: Can't Help Falling in Love- Elvis Presley

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