Chapter 133: You Ignorant Fool!

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Brandon's Point of View

"Brandon!! Brandon!! Please!! Get up!" Molly's voice sounded frantic as she shook my body back and forth.

"Fea... ther...." I croaked, my eyes slowly opening.

"No, Brandon... I need you to get up... please... Feather's hurt really bad!" Molly pleaded. Her arm wrapped around mine as she pulled me off of the ground.

... Ground??

What was I doing on the ground?

"Help me pick her up!" The world started to spin as Molly spoke again. She quickly rushed over to another unconscious body on the ground.

Slowly, I staggered, Making my way over to her. Molly's eyebrows furrowed when she grabbed the wrist of the unconscious person.

"Her pulse is slowing down! Help me, Brandon!" Molly rose her voice to a more panicky tone.

I blinked slowly once my vision cleared.

All of a sudden, I felt a piece of me shatter when I saw it was Feather on the ground. Her skin was a sickly pale blue color, Dark streams of a scarlet liquid dripped down her face.

Occasionally, Feather's muscles would twitch, making her body jerk violently.

"No..... No..... No!" I whispered. My sympathy was getting in the way of denial.

She couldn't have gotten this---

How did she---


She couldn't have gotten this hurt while performing that ritual.

.... No... She's strong...

She's.... strong...

The world began to spin again.

"Brandon! Brandon!! Help me carry her!!"

She... couldn't have...

No... I didn't---

I was trying to--

.... help..... her....

The world faded to black as I hit the ground once more

Feather's point of view

"Hey... can you get up now??"

I felt something jab against my side. Soon, that jab turned into a kick, making me groan in discomfort.

"Mhmm..." I said groggily. My whole body ached with unmeasurable pain.

"Feather! It's me! Get up!" I felt arms scoop my body and roll me over onto my back. Opening my eyes, I see the familiar robes, pulsating with a bright light against the void behind him.


"Hey..." I whispered, smiling,"This is a dream... right?"

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