Chapter 106: A Terra-ble idea... (I'm not sorry.)

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Ki's Point of view

Feather groaned on the floor.

"Well.... I guess we better get out of here...." I picked up Feather and threw her over my shoulder with ease.

I scanned the room for her bag and quickly picked it up. Inside, I pulled out her Magic Mirror.

It beautiful shimmering blue was a nice contrast to the dark dungeon. 

I looked back over to Terra.

"You comin?" I ask. She hesitantly walks over to Feather and I.

"Well.... It'll beat sticking around here. So sure." She put her hand on the mirror.

"Let's go."


We didn't end up in Feather's room. Instead, we landed--Well.... I landed, Terra fell on the floor--- In the kitchen.

Weirdly, we were exactly behind Brandon.

Even weirder, he didn't hear us, despite how loud we were. Instead, he quietly hummed while making coffee.

"Hey there." I whispered creepily into his ear. He quickly turned around and screamed, his arms flailing.

"Whoah! Dude! Calm down!" I accidentally dropped the bag and threw my arms up.

Brandon blinked in confusion before sighing.

".... What do you want?" He badgered, pressing his lips into a thin line. Heh.... He must not be too happy about what happened earlier. I was about to answer until---

"Owwww..." Terra groaned. She stood up, but her legs were wobbly. Brandon raised an eyebrow in confusion, seeming to study the mechanic. His eyes traced her body before realization hit him.

"You're the mechanic, right?" Brandon asked in an off tone. Terra nodded. He started to smile, but his face instant snapped into a paranoid expression.

"Where's Feather?!?" He panicked.

"She was going towards the dungeon---" he finally saw the limp body over my shoulder.

Before he could scream at me, I held up a hand.

"She's alive, Don't worry. But she is covered in claw marks and.... Well it's probably going to scar. But she's fine" I said. In an instant, Brandon grabbed Feather and lied her down on the table.

"Oh.... Feather.... Not again...."  He placed his hands on her face. Brandon then franticly looked around for a potion. Realizing that they were none in the room, he chewed on his lip.

"I'll be right back." It took me a moment to realize Brandon was talking to me and Terra. He then rushed out of the room.

"Man...... He's good looking...." Terra said. Her eyes were filled with amusement and she had a half smile on her face. 

"Well you can stop drooling over him, He's not interested...." I replied to her comment.

"Ah..... Is he gay?" She asked casually.

"W-what!?? N-no! At least... I don't thi--- No! N-no! He's straight! And madly in love with Feather! That's why I said he wasn't interested!" I face-palmed.

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