Chapter 110: Worst Fear

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Brandon's point of view

I opened my eyes and frowned. That dream brought back a lot of feelings.

.... That's one of the only heroes that I had good memories with.....I would of been better off if I didn't have to experience those again....

All of a sudden, the door to the room burst open and Feather rushed into the room.

"Ahh! Shoot! He's still asleep! Feather you moron!" Feather hissed to herself.

She quickly pulled some materials from a chest and threw it down on her crafting table.

"..... Hi." I say, not sounding so pleasant.

Feather jumped and accidentally dropped the thing she was working on.

"Shoot! Brandon! Did I wake you? I'm so sor--"

I sat up and waved my hand.

"No no. I was awake before you barged in." That could of been taken as sarcasm, but at this point I really didn't care.

After the dream I just had.... Well.....


"Sorry..... I'm just excited. I've been working on something!" She apologized.

"Really? What is it?" I ask. It could be something truly amazing, or something completely mundane that she's getting excited over.

She looked over at me with an amused expression.

"A surprise."

I rolled my eyes and turned over on my side.

"Awww... Come on Brandon.. Don't be like that!" She whined.

Honestly, I don't even want to see what she's making, I would rather have some restful sleep.

"Bbbbrrraaaannn~Donnnnnn!" Feather whined. But I remained silent.

"Hmmph! Fine!" The next thing I heard was the door slam shut.

I slowly drifted off to sleep again.

The next time I woke was late afternoon. Sunlight streamed from the window, forcing me out of bed.

I groaned in discomfort. I was still dead tired, and I wanted to sleep more, but if I stayed in bed any longer, I felt like my bones were going to dissolve into nothingness.

This day is going to be awful.....

I heard the doorknob click as the door slowly opened.

"Oh! You're awake! Again!" Feather chirped.


"Yeah." I groaned.

She giggled.

"I want to show you something, come on!" The next thing I know is that she's dragging me outside. Good thing that I'm so tired that I can't process what's happening.

She let me go once we came to a small wooden structure.

"Ta da!!" She motioned her hands over to it.

"That's it?" I ask. Really... It was just a few walls of wood, like the shack we spent our first night in.

She nodded, as if that creation were something to be proud of.

"Yeah! It's the base of the---"

"Really Feather. I swear. You get so excited over the blandest of things." I say, irritation taking over.

Her face fell a little.

"W-well... I just wanted to show you the start of---"

"Start?!!? This is the start of a.... A what?!? I don't even know what it is! And it's a pretty crappy start, that's for sure." I ranted.

She tilted her head to the side, frowning.

"Are you okay Brandon?!" Feather asked quietly.

I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm perfectly fine, Feather. However, I don't think you are." I snarled.

Feather was taken aback.

"W-what's wrong with me?" I could sense the panic in her voice.

"Hmmm... Oh! Lot's of things! First of all, You're too clueless to understand the environment around you. Next, You're awfully stubborn, and could learn how to just accept facts, also, Could you try and actually not try to get killed? You're sword fighting sucks, Being a roommate with you is horrible, You are such an idiot!" I spat out.

I steal a glance at Feather.

Her upper lip was trembling, an her hands were shaking.

I rolled my eyes as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"And now you're crying?" I say harshly.

I slammed my hand against my forehead.

"Really now! Oh my gosh! I can't believe how weak you are! You're supposed to be Terraria's hero!"

Now she was full on crying.

".... I--- I.... I...." She stammered.

I cupped my ear.

"Speak up. I can't hear you over the crying."

"..... I hate you....."

I stopped momentarily.


She gritted her teeth as she looked at me, tears streaming down her face.


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