Chapter fifty: Eye see what you did there....

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Brandon's POV

By the time I woke up, it was still twilight outside. Mhhmmm... The words from last night hit me again. Arrhg! Why is love so complicated!

I've tried not caring, but it's too hard to do!

I simply love her too much...

I sighed and turned my head. Feather was sleeping peacefully in her bed. My eyes drift to the item next to her bed. The head of cabbage. The Guinea pig!! As on cue, I hear a small squeak. I look on the ground to see the Guinea pig, starring up at me. Huh. It only shows up when I think about it. How convenient.

A smile finds it's way on my face. I turn my body an pick the Guinea pig up. It leaps out of my hands and lands on my chest. I turn on my back as the Guinea pig gets comfortable.

"Hey little guy..... Well.... I think you're a guy.." I whisper softly, petting the Guinea pig. It gives a content squeak. "Hmm. You need a name don't you?" I ask. Heh.... Didn't think that I would eventually be talking to a Guinea pig...... It twitched its  nose in reply.

I chewed on my lip. Hmm. "How about Maxx?" I questioned. The Guinea pig squealed in delight. I chuckle. "Maxx it is then.." I say softly. Soft rays of sun start streaming through the window.

You know what? I need some fresh air. And some time by myself to think. A walk! I get out of bed and slip on my shoes. (What are those?) My bow and quiver rest on my shoulder. Feather started rustling in her sleep. She sits up groggily.

"Brandon..?! Where are you going?" She asks yawning. "On a walk..." I say. As soon as I said the word "walk" her face lit up. "Walk?? Can I join?" She asks, way to perky to have just woken up.

I was about to tell her "No" but then I looked into her eyes.

Her eyes......

It was like starring into two polished emeralds.

Beautiful eyes....

Eyes hiding all sorts of things....

But, revealing so much about her....

I want to know, all the things she hides behind those eyes. Those beautiful eyes....

I continued starring.

Behind those eyes...

She was silently pleading....

..... To come with me....

To not be alone......

But..... I see something else.....

I see hurt in her eyes.....

I see fear.........

Fear of being left alone.

Someone's hurt her before.....

They left her....

Abandoned her......

She doesn't remember...

.... Who left her....

Just the feeling.

She's afraid it will happen again.

She's afraid that she won't be happy again....

Her eyes.......

I don't want to be the one to hurt her....

"Brandon?" She asks softly, an eyebrow slightly raised.

I want to know more about her...

I want to make her happy....

"Yes?" I answer back, not breaking my gaze. "

"Can I join you on your walk?" She repeats. A small smile appears on my face.


I want to be there for her.....

But I can't....

I want to be with her.....

But I can't.....

I want her to love me....

But she won't............

Just a small filler chapter :)

Oh and the name "Maxx" might be a reference to something ;)

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