Chapter ninety-three: A talk

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Brandon's Point of View

"My my! What do we have here?" An old voice asks. Feather looks behind me.

"Oh! Hi Sebastian!" Feather said. I looked behind me to see a guy similar looking to Gus standing behind us. He tipped his red hat.

He must be the clothier.

He makes eye contact with me. Sebastian's blue eyes seemed to stare into my soul. His eyes trailed down, looking at the bandages.

"Hm... You must be the guide, Brandon..... Correct?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"Y-yeah..." I respond. He looked at Feather, who had stopped hugging me a few moments ago.

"I see. Well. I'm going to keep making acquaintances with the others. Ta ta! " Sebastian said, walking out.

I look at Feather.

"Well...... That was weird..." I mutter. She nodded.

"Yeah..... That certainly was...." She yawned.

"Are you tired?" I ask quickly. She shook her head.

"No! No..... Not in the..... Slightest...." Feather rubbed her eyes. I chuckled.

"It's late. We should probably get to bed" I suggest, scooting off of the table. She grabbed my arm.

"But I want to talk more!" She whined,"I missed you!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Feather, We share a room, we can talk later..." I reminded her. I started walking to our room, Feather dragging behind.

Once we walked in, Feather rolled onto her bed and sighed longingly. She went under the covers.

"I guess we can talk in the morning.... But......" She started.

Feather's Point of view

"But what?" Brandon asked, laying down on his bed.

His eyebrow raised and his dark brown eyes found mine.

"I don't know.....Things seem different....But I think that's just because I'm sleep-deprived. Good night Brandon..." I rest my head on my pillow.

"Good night, Feather. Sweet dreams." Brandon said softly.

I felt myself drift into sleep.



Extreme heat.....

I opened my eyes to be met with a biome of fire and fear. Bats screeched and pools of lava bubbled.

This place looks familiar....

Too familiar...

The scent of ash filled my nose as I stood up.

All of a sudden, a loud screech echoed in my ears. Beings of horrifying identity flew around and circled me, talons outstretched. Demons.

I don't like this place.

I scream in pain as I feel something sharp dig into my shoulders. I'm lifted up into the air. My eyes widened as I got a full view of the strange biome.

Nightmarish creature roamed on the surface as a giant bone serpent burrowed into the ash.

In the distance, I saw a building of sorts, a castle.... If you will...

I became closer to the obsidian castle as the demon dropped me on the roof.

"Oof!" I rolled onto the ground.

"My my, Who do we have here?" A low voice chuckled.

I looked up to see a figure in a cloak as dark as night. The figure was foreign... Not like anyone I've ever seen before.

"How are you, Feather?" The figure asks, giving me a hand. I glare and get up on my own.

"Where am I? How do you know my name??" I order, my voice echoing through the empty corridor.

"Heheh, Aren't we confident today, Huh Fiona?" The figures asked. I felt anger bubble within me.

"I am not Fiona!" I spat out like acid on my tongue.

"Right.... Right, Sorry, Feather. You just remind me so much of her." The figure apologized.

I softened a little.

"But you still never answered my question!" I pout, crossing my arms.

He chuckled.

"I know a lot about you, Feather. More than you know. Want to know another thing? History is going to repeat itself..." He laughed. But the laugh seemed a little deranged....

"What are you talking about?" I ask. Something's not right..

"I'm talking about this..." The figure snapped his fingers.

A corner of the corridor lit up to reveal someone chained to a wall.

But..... I knew this person...

"Feather..... I'm sorry....." Brandon whispered.

Multiple scorch marks burned his body, and his head was tilted towards the ground. His hair was askew and bruises were all over his face.

"I'm..... So... Sorry...." He whimpered.

"Now you see what I'm talking about?" The figure asked.

"NO! What!!??? Let him go!" I tried not to let my voice crack.

"Let... Him... Go???" The figure cackled.

"Why on Terraria would I do that, Silly Goose?" He continued laughing.

"Aha... You humor me, Fiona." He exhaled. I balled up my fists.

"I AM NOT FIONA!" I scream. The figure looked startled and took a few steps back.

"Whoops! Sorry Feather! Any how.... I can't let him go. Someone just like him sealed me away long ago and you're going to set me free!" The figure clapped his hands.

"No! I will never do that!" I growl. I felt a hand clasp around my neck. The figure picked me up and he held me close to his face. Violet eyes poured into mine.

"He will burn, Fiona. He will burn and I will be set free.."

"I'm........ Sorry..." Brandon whispered.

And then, Brandon bursts into flames.


I love what I do.

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