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I sincerely need a break.

(About two days max)

Not because I'm tired of it...


But it's consuming me.

My thoughts are constantly filled about possibilities for this book...

How I can improve, How I can make the characters more vivid, how I can make this my own....

I want to write this book and see it grow into the book I always wanted it to be.....

I want to see this book grow, i want to be apart of it's lowest points, through the good..... The bad..... The sad.....

I want to nurture this book, treat it the way It was always supposed to be treated....Pour my heart and soul into each chapter combined with hardwork and determination

I want to prove that this book means so much to me, how much it takes over my life. I can't imagine my life without this book....

........ I think I fell in love with this book....

Or maybe I'm tripping.

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