Chapter ninety-five: New faces

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Feather's Point of View (I almost put 'Pontiac's Rebellion'?)

I leaned my head on Brandon's shoulder as we walked out of the room.

"Now. When are you going to tell me the crazy shenanigans you were up to the past week?" Brandon asked, wrapping his arm around me.

"As soon as I eat something. I'm starving." I replied, walking through the door to the kitchen.

"I know a guy who sells discount food products. Real cheap too. A dozen high-quality apples for three gold coins. A very modest price indeed." An old voice says. My eyes dart up to see Gus, sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Gus!" I say. I let go of Brandon and pull Gus into a hug.

"Welcome back, Feather." Gus said.

"Did someone say Feather?" Another voice asks.

I turn my head around to see Darius and Molly, arm in arm.

"Hi! Welcome back, Feather!" Molly says smiling.

All of a sudden, I hear a gasp.

"My dear! Simply where did you get those clothes?" Yuptan rushed over to me and grabbed my sleeve.

Behind him, followed Luca, who grabbed my other sleeve.

"Such vibrant green! I can't tell what shade it is! It has aspects of both basil and emerald green. Maybe even a hint of chartreuse? Wait... No... That's not chartreuse... That's pine! But it matches your wonderful eyes perfectly!" Luca rattled off.

"My dear! Who made these?? You certainly weren't wearing these when you left?" Yuptan asked.

That's right! I almost forgot!

"Oh! You guys haven't met----"

"What kind of loot did'ja get? Was Skeletron hard to kill?" Darius asked, a little to enthusiastically.

"Hey wait a minute!" Molly said as she grabbed my arm and raised it up towards the light.

"You're veins are very visible! This only happens if you've been drinking health potions.... Feather...." Molly said in a warning tone.

"What places did you see? Did the dungeon look scary?" Darius continued.

"You guys stop! You're overwhelming the poor girl!" A crisp voice says. That's funny....

I don't recognize this voice

I turn around to see a lady with light green braid running down her back. But that's not only thing I noticed. The only thing she was wearing was leaf coverings.

"Who might you be?" I ask, honestly very curious.

Brandon finally spoke up,"Feather, I want you to meet Chryseis, She's a dryad! Me and her have a little bit of history."

He and her had history?

"What kind of history?" I immediately blurt out.

"Oooooooooooo! Is Feather getin' jeeeeeaaalous??" Darius drew back. I quickly shot him a dirty look.

"Of c-course not! I just want to know how they know eachother!" I retort.

Chryseis chuckled.

"That's a story from another time. Now I want to get to know you----" she started before she made eye contact with me. Her dark purple eyes widened right before she dropped to her feet.

"Forgive me, My Fiona! I didn't know I was standing in the presence of----"

I was bewildered...

This isn't the first time I've heard that name, though..

And this isn't even the first time I've been called that name..

It doesn't make any sense.

"Uhh... What are you talkin' 'bout?" Darius asks after an awkward silence. Chryseis looked around, confused at us. She immediately stood up.

"Right... S-sorry, I just... " She stuttered.

"D-do you happen to know where your clothier is? I need to have a chat with him." Chryseis mumbled.

"Wait... Clothier?" Gus asked quickly.

I nodded.

"I forgot you guys haven't met Sebastian yet--" I say.

"SEBASTIAN!?" Gus shouted.

"Indeed, Big Brother." Everyone's head shot over to the direction of the voice.

Sebastian stood standing against he door way, his hat tipped.

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