Chapter sixty-five: A Mage's Lessons

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Feather POV

"Just follow my lead...." He said softly. He took a few steps towards me and dropped his Ball 'O Hurt.

Here........... Grab my hand......

He extended his hand out to me. A friendly smile crossed across his face. I cautiously took his hand as he pulled me into his embrace.

Shh.... Just relax..... Since we're in low gravity, you need to be just a little bit faster and use a bit more force. The lack of gravity absorbs most of the speed.

I could hear his heart beating. Even though we were so close, he still decided to speak in my mind. I turned around, facing the same direction as him.

I was a few inches shorter than him, allowing him to see over my head. But then again...... I'm shorter than everybody. Except Norkas. I'm miraculously taller than him......

Look, You're getting off topic. And he's a dwarf. That's why you're taller than him.

Right..... Right right.......

Now. What were we doing?

"I'm going to teach you how to work against gravity and difficult situations." He whispered into my ear. I felt my face heat up. Ki wrapped his arms around mine.

Now. I know that last time when you were training with Brandon, you were having trouble with speed.

Just keep spinning the chain....

I started twirling my wrist as the ball started swaying. Erg..... I started swinging it faster, but I was weary of the mace. I became frustrated when it didn't speed up much.

Feather........ Don't be afraid.

But I'm not!

I continue spinning the chain, about to throw it, I flinch as it gets close to me.

Feather. You are afraid.


Yes. You are. Stop denying it.


I hurl the mace and it slams into the dirt platform.

I huff and take a few steps forward. I am not afraid!

Feather....... Look at me.....

I turn around. I don't need some hot-headed Mage telling me how I feel! I don't even know how I feel.....

You know exactly how you feel. You're angry. Frustrated. Scared.

"I..... Am...... Not....." I say, clenching my jaw.

I look right into his eyes.

You are.

I pick up my mace.

"NO......... I'M NOT AFRAID!" I scream, using all of my might to hurl the mace at his chest.

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