Chapter one: Not alone...

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Uurrrgg.... My neck.....

I slowly opened my eyes.

The sun was shining bright. I groaned as I tried to sit up. I wince and fall back down. Ughgg. The sun is then shaded by a figure.

"Hi. Need some help?' The figure asked. I nodded hesitantly. Did I know this figure? Or am I just accepting help from a random stranger. The figure extended their arm and I grabbed it, my arms tense.

The figure pulled me up to my feet. Turns out the figure was a guy about my age, maybe about a year or so older. He had dusty copper hair and was wearing a grey shirt and some jeans. His eyes were a beautiful sparkling brown, and a cheery smile spread across his face.

My eyes wandered around, admiring the trees. Leaves fluttered around us as a light breeze sifted through the air. Clouds soared high above us and the sky was a beautiful crystal blue.

Where am I?

"Where are we?"

The man chuckled.

"Welcome to Terraria. My name is Brandon. What's your name?" The guy asked, maybe even a bit too enthusiastically, like he's done this several times before. It took me a bit. Funny. I don't remember anything about my past. Suddenly, my name becomes less foggy.

"The name's Feather. Nice to meetcha!" I say. He seems nice so far, no reason for me to be rude. Brandon flashes me a smile.

"Well Feather. Nighttime is approaching soon. We need to make a shelter." Brandon said. Shelter?? I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, making an annoying noise. I then notice there was a bag. I cautiously open it to see a copper short sword, a copper picaxe and ax.

That solves the problem! But.... Who leaves tools out in the middle of the woods? I swung the ax at the tree. I keep at it until it collapses. Logs rain down. I know I shouldn't be destroying trees like this.... But from the looks of it.... There's no shelter...

I chop a few more trees and start building.

While I was practically sweating my face off, Brandon was sitting on a tree stump, flipping through the pages of a book. Where did he get a book?

"Yeah. WE should totally build a shelter." I grumble. For being so cheerful when I met him, he wasn't being so helpful right now.

"HEY! I heard you! And sorry girlie! I don't have any tools! Some of us don't get a magical bag full of starter tools. Some of us aren't that lucky!" Brandon retorts. So he doesn't know where the tools came from either.

I grumble as I finish the shelter. Soon, Night starts to set. Brandon and I go inside the shelter. I take a deep breath as I sit down. I'm sweaty and tired. But happy. Brandon whistled.

"You did a good job here, girlie. You can actually build!" Brandon compliments. He glanced over at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call me 'girlie'" I say.

"I can call you girlie if I want.................GIRLIE!'

Anger surged through me. I can't believe he was talking to me like this. All of a sudden, I blurted something out.b


He looked at me funny, almost unsure if that was an insult. Then, his lips turned upwards, and he smiled.

He drew out a low chuckle.

"Bran...........Muffin?" He snickered.

"That was a good one. Say. We started off on the wrong foot there....Let's start over. Friends?" He asks, extending his hand. .... Was he serious? I think over my options. I mean... It is just us two. It would be bad if we didn't get along. I smile and take his hand.


Maybe I'll eventually warm up to him?

AN: well. There's always a draft at the bottom of my works. I meant to publish this a while back, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT At the time, I got preoccupied with Dream and forgot about this. Sorry. Anyways. I hope you enjoy.

(You may have noticed that this has been edited. Along with working on chapter 100, I'll be editing old chapters. So do not be alarmed)


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