Chapter 128: Uncharacteristic

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Brandon's point of view

"S-shut up" Terra instantly squeaked, turning around to face me, talking to herself more so than me.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Looks like someone has a crush." I lightly tease. Her eyes narrow but that doesn't stop her cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"SHUT UP!" She squealed.

Terra took a moment, breathing in and out slowly.

"Look, I don't have a crush on him. He's an idiot." She turned away briskly.

"Besides.." Terra continued,"Even if I did...."

Terra looked at the ground sadly. I wanted to say something, Maybe to comment on her odd calm composure or to tease her about her obvious crush.

But instead both of us sat there, In a comfortable silence, waiting for Ki to wake up.

Feather's point of view

Is it wrong for me to love him?

I mean.... it's not like I can help it or anything...

Well... I mean I could..


It's impossible to stay only friends with someone you deeply love.

But do I love him?

Do I still love him after the changes he been through...

He may not realize it... but he's changed.

But why?

Why has he changed?

Was it me?

Is it my fault??!

Is it my fault he's different?

Did I do something wrong??

I need something to take my mind off Brandon...

Sighing, I drag my cutlass across the stone, listening to the jarring sound echo across the walls.

Instantly I stop, cringing at the ringing noise.

Oh Brandon.....

Why do you consume my thoughts so simply?

How do you expect me to focus on any task you give me?

"Why do you do this to me?" I whispered to myself.

"Don't you want me to succeed??" My voice rose.

This is stupid....

This is idiotic....

What a fool am I...

Falling in love with my best friend...

"IDIOT!" I screamed, throwing my cutlass to the ground.

"IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!" I flung my body against the ground.

Terraria: Birds of a FeatherΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα