Chapter sixty-nine: (Almost) Drowing my Sorrow

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Feather's POV

Let's go down the open road....

Who ever you are, come travel with me....

Let's go down the open road....

Will you travel with me?

With me?

.........And just like that, I'm bored. And tired.

Well.... Don't worry.... You're almost there. And by almost there, I mean almost out of the taiga.

I continued trudging through the snow. Ugh. Despite how pretty it is, that doesn't make up for the numbing cold. It's like if you fall, it makes for a blanket of death! A coffin of coldness!

You know what? I hate snow!

Forget the gorgeousness! I hate constantly having to rub my hands together to keep from frostbite! I hate when the snow gets in my boots and it slushes around my feet! I hate the wind biting my nose and making it chapped!

Snow is the worst!

Jeez I get it, Calm down.

No! It's such a pain having to travel through this taiga!

I was then greeted by a cold gust of wind, making me shiver even more. Stupid...... Stupid..... Stupid snow!  Suddenly, My boots began slipping. What! I quickly look down to see I'm on a lake of ice.... Well.... More like a pond.

Then, as if the snow was just being cruel, it starts cracking. I quickly suck in air through my clenched teeth.

Just...... Easy steps....

Don't.... Make any.... Sudden moves.

I took a small step.

I sigh in relief.

But then, my boot touches a slick spot, covered in slush.

I slip and fall onto the ice, taking it with me into the icy pool of water.

I scream and take in a gulp of salty ice water. It chilled my lugs. My nose started burning as the water flowed. My stomach started churning in fear.

I began flailing around, hoping that I would get a grip on something, anything, to pull me up.

My eyes began to become blurry as I started blinking rapidly. I closed my eyes. It's no use..... I can already feel myself loosing consciousness.

I could barely feel my limbs..... I just felt a numb, burning sensation.

This is it....

This is the end....

(Hold your breath and count to ten...... Feel the earth move and then, hear my heart buuuuurrrrssstttt agaiinnnnn)

I feel my blood run cold as I black out.


"Please....... Please wake up!" A voice calls. I try coughing, resulting in a large amount of water being expelled from my lungs. My eyes peeled open as I continued choking on cold water.

The figure sighs in relief. "Whew! For a second there, I thought I would have to haul your corpse out of the water and leave you there to freeze!" The Tenor Voice said.

As soon as I finished coughing out my organs, I sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around at my surroundings.

The ceiling of the cave loomed high above us, with the soft flicker of a fire on the walls. It emitted a comfortable warmth, almost luxury from the biting wind outside the cave, which whistled through the icicles.

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