Chapter fifty-one: Walk and Talk

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Feather's POV

He continued starring at me for a while. A few moments later, he abruptly turned around. That was........ Weird. Not that I'm complaining.....

I stepped out of bed. Brandon's back was turned to me. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Uhh. Sure.." I reply,"What was that about?" I watched as he turned around, facing me once more.

He gave me a confused look, as if he didn't just stare at me for a solid six minutes. "Mhmm. Nothing." He says nonchalantly. "Do you think that I'll need my sword?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Nah....... We should be fine.." He replies. He leads the way as we make our way outside. The sky was turning from a light lavender to an ashy orange color. Sunrise. We walked side by side for a bit. Brandon stopped when we got to a rock a ways away from the house.

"Do you want to watch the sunrise with me?" He asked, sitting down. I reluctantly took a seat next to him. An awkward silence loomed between us as the stars disappeared and the sun stretched it's arms above the forest.

Out of my peripheral vision, I notice Brandon, starring intently at the changing skyline. With a small smile placed on his lips, His dark brown eyes were slightly dilated. I wonder what he's thinking about...

Probably you...

AHH! Where did you come from?!

Like I said before, I don't know. I just woke up one day and BLAM! I was here! Just like you.


Yeah. It makes you think..

We continued starring at the sky until Brandon got up. "Well.... I'm off. You can go back to the house if you want." He said, turning his back.

"Can I walk with you?" I request. He already said that I could go on a walk with him. Why is he acting so weird? He stiffened up for a moment. "Oh yeah! Sorry... My mind is all over the place right now.." He apologized. I quickly get up off he rock and walk next to Brandon.

Brandon wasn't much for conversation as we made our way through he woods. He was awfully quiet. I wonder what's got him such deep in thought...

Once.... Again. Probably you.


Brandon's POV

My mind was sorting out my emotions. I'm sorta glad Feather didn't talk to me. I feel conflicted.....

Brandon. Just stop. Take a step back..... Focus on yourself. Eventually, you will just see her as a friend.....

Just.... Stop loving her!

Maybe if you don't talk to her for a while....

No way.

I sighed and took a deep breath in. I love being in the woods. It helps me think.....

Nine years ago...

"Come on, Brandon! Let's goooooooo~ooo!" James whined. He may be one year younger than me, but he's still annoying! But..... I still care about him. So far, It's been a year since I arrived in this land, which I had found out was "Terraria"

Terraria: Birds of a FeatherWhere stories live. Discover now