She smirked, "Chill what?"

"What's your name?


"It's my first time seeing you here? Who brought you?" He asked. Tzuyu didn't say anything but to laugh, "It's funny how you guys ask what's my name... Just because I'm pretty... But never actually asked if I'm fine.. Am I fine? Is something wrong? Am I drunk? Am I having a hard time?" she laughed again, "Nope! You guys just gonna ask what's my name? flirt with me... And all that.."

The guy creased his forehead and laughed, "You're drunk... Want me to bring you to the room?"

"To what?"

"To the room... You're drunk.. You need to sleep.." He said the grabbed her by the waist. Tzuyu moved his hands away and start moving, "I can balance myself, still.." She laughed.

He shrugged, "But hey.. You know.. It'll be good if we talk in a quiet room.. It's too loud here, we can't even hear each other... Or if you want we can drink more.." He gave her a glass, "It's actually the strongest one so becareful.."

"Nah.. I'm good..."

"Are you sure? Do you wanna talk in a room then?"

"No.. Rather not.."

He smirked, "Why not.. We can't hear each other--"

"You can clearly fucking hear me... You're answering every respond I make.." She squint her eyes. He looked down and giggled, "I know You know what I mean by talk in the room.." Grabbing her by the waist.

She drink the glass and looked away, "I know what it means.. So what's the point of talking in the room when you can hear me here?"

"I really like your dress.." Changing the topic. He looked at her up and down then bit his lip. "Oh shit!" he pretend to have accidentally spilled the water on her dress. "I have extra dress that my cousin brought.. She can let you borrow it.."

She laughed, "Not even gonna say sorry? You're just going to say extra dress upstairs? What am I? Just the clothes? It's like people doesn't see me as a human.."

He gave her a weird look, "Your drunk let's go upstairs.." grabbing her by the waist. His hand suddenly was twisted, he groan from pain and look at the guy, "What the fuck?!"

"Actually I should be the one who's saying that.. Just because she's drunk you're gonna dragged her somewhere?" He said, "He's someone else's property... Don't even dare touch this girl.."

He smirked, "Why? is she your property? Wow.. What a two timer Yoongi..."

Yoongi smirked and let go of his hand while Jihyo pull Tzuyu away. "She's not my property.. But I suggest you to leave this girl alone cause this.." He lifted the hand he twisted then smile, "It will not only be twisted.. It'll be broken.."

"Then why do you care if she's not your property?! Leave us alone! If she's someone else's property then show him to me! I don't care I could kiss that girl in front his face.."

Yoongi looked at Jihyo then smirked, "Wow... Tough guy eyy? Alright... Let's go follow me..."

"You said you don't know where they at.." Jihyo pouted, "You liar.."

Tzuyu dropped to the floor and knocked out. Jihyo had to bend down and put her arm around her shoulder then stand her up.

"Jeongyeon... Woo hoo... Come here.." Yoongi snapped his finger, "I know you've been taking a pictures so come with me.."

깊은 사랑 학교(Deep Love School) ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now