Secrets and Introducing Elizabeth (8)

Start from the beginning

      Turning to 144B I took a deep breath and took a hold of the door handle. Its cold surface felt cool against my warm skin, and as I twisted the handle I exhaled and stepped in.
      I was expecting a burst of questions, seeing as Rick had warned me about an ambush. But what I didn’t expect was a small blonde haired blue eyed girl to smother me in a warm and reassuring hug.
      “Abi Chambers,” She said, pulling back and smiling softly at me “I’m so glad that we finally met. I’ve been waiting for you a long time.”
       Pulling me back into a hug I felt her relax and let out a sigh of relief.
      That was when I felt myself being pulled back....and what I was going to see....I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

      “Elizabeth this is your dorm room” I younger version of Rick said, smiling softly as he ran his hand through his only just thinning and greying brown hair.
      A tiny and young blonde haired blue eyed version of Elizabeth. Her eyes sparkling with excitement as she childishly jumps up and down on the spot squealing “Can I go in now? Can I see my roommate? Is she nice? What super natural person is she? I hope she’s nice? Hmm maybe I should use my gift to look and see. Oh wait, it only works when I need it too-” Elizabeth suddenly broke off her ramble and her eyes went blank and she was motionless.
      Rick stayed still, clearly understanding what was happening to her.
      Not long later, Elizabeth’s eyes gain colour again, but this time....she was no longer happy. Her eyes were sad. The smile that was on her lips had been flipped. And the bounce in her stance had disappeared.

      “I don’t have a roommate....don’t I?” She whispered, her gaze dropping to the ground as her voice caught in her throat as she spoke.
      Rick sighed softly “No Elizabeth, I’m sorry....”
      “No you aren’t. Don’t forget I can see the future. I know the truth. I don’t have a roommate because everyone thinks I’m weird because I’m different.”
      I could see the panic in Rick’s eyes “Of course not Elizabeth, everyone here is the same-” But before he could continue, she broke in.
      “I AM DIFFERENT!” She screeched, propelling out something I have never seen before. It was as if she was sending out a force from within her anger that sent the building into shakes, and even sent Rick propelling 40 feet away.
      Tears streamed down her cheeks and her voice only just became audible as her anger ceased, and the force I can still not identify but feels...familiar in a way stopped.
      Dropping to her knees she whispered “How could they? My p-parents despise the air I breathe.....’The devils offspring’ they said ‘a reason why she should die’.
      “Burning, staking, boiling, stabbing, suffocation, shooting and bloodletting....are only a few which....they tried to rid my...evil breath. But I wouldn’t die; I don’t know why I wouldn’t die.”
      Her whispers became broken and static as she quietly stood up and walked inside her room, closing the door behind her. And as she walked towards her bed she continued to talk to herself, seeing as there was no one there for her.
      “Eight years I lived through misery, and when I escaped, I would live on the streets, rummaging through people’s garbage until I was twelve when I was taken to...that place. The Orphanage. The bastards who sent me to the Mental Health Asylum. And only then did I finally feel loved, even if they all thought I was crazy and dangerous.”
      “If Prestige hadn’t of found me when I was thirteen....I would have been sectioned for life....” She whispered, and out of shock she turned to look at me.
      Her eyes went blank and colourless and she spoke only one name. A name that I never would have expected a very young Elizabeth to say, especially seeing as it couldn’t be possible to know it.
      “Abigail Marie Chambers.”
      The rest of the past that ran through my mind was the isolation that Elizabeth went through here for three years, and yet she never ceased to smile. I could see the fear that the students felt towards her, and yet that never stopped her from living her fullest until I, her roommate, would arrive and become her friend.

      Gasping, I was brought back to the real time. Pulling back I stared into Elizabeth’s blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with tears. Staring into them I smiled and hugged again whispering to my new friend “I’m sorry I took so long to get here, I may not be happy to be here, but at least you have a friend.”

      I could feel her sigh happily and relax into my arms.
      “I’m sorry about Maria” She whispered “You guys will have ups and downs, but always know that you two are destined to be together, no matter what.”
      Smiling slightly I whispered back “I know we are.”
      And as the day went on, we talked and talked, unpacked me things, and did the normal things friends would do. Both of us were still unsure of how to be...friends. But we did what we thought was right.
      Watching Elizabeth as she packed away my clothes into the wardrobe and drawers I couldn’t help but be glad that I was Elizabeth’s roommate.
      “Call me Lizzie; I’ve always wanted to be called that.” She said with a smile.
      I smiled. Yes, me and Lizzie are going to be great roommates.

Vision of Love  {Watty Awards 2012} (LGBT love and fantasy romance)Where stories live. Discover now