"I was just going to show them where your office is." I held it him. I didn't want to ruin the plan.

"Then get going then!" he smiled at me. I had planned on going in together with them. When I passed Henry and the guys I gave them a look to remind them of the plan. "See you." I said out loud when I noticed that Caleb wasn't seeing me, completely dozing off.

"See you." He waved his hands like nothing special was happening.

I went upstairs, using the lift. It felt like a different world because every level had a different department. I had entered the filming department, where all the equipment was. I felt really odd, standing there. The lift closed its door, making me realize that I couldn't go back. I was going to finish it. I walked around suspiciously, getting scary stares from men. "What are you doing here?" they asked me, calling out from the room next to me with glass walls. I was going to panic, then started to figure out a new character.

"I'm Craig's assistant. He sent me up here to examine the efficiency of the company." I waved my hands like they were bothering me. "Now go on, keep working." They believed me, but looked a bit offended. I did sound like a nasal bitch.

It became a bit awkward while I was still standing there, watching them work. They were cleaning the cameras carefully, like their life depended on those things. They really had passion for their cameras. Craig may be forcing people to join, but he did catch talented people, I admit.

I walked closer to them, to observe. It felt like they were really uncomfortable with me sticking around but I didn't care. "How did you join West Bite?" I asked him. He was staring at me with annoyed eyes, but answered in the end, feeling forced by the thought of me being Craig's assistant.

"Craig recruited me." he said shortly, as if he was wasting his time talking to me. His aura was suddenly filled with anger. He was also forced into the company.

"What's your name?" I asked. 


"I need your help, Roger. If you want to end your contract with West Bite." He stopped polishing the lens of his camera, then turned his head to me as if I was offering him one million dollar. His eyes was shining and his whole aura was changing.

"You can end my contract?"

"If you help me. I need you to do only one thing for me. Do you have any small cameras that can be hidden?"

"Lots of them. But they are my personal belongings." He got out of his seat, approaching me. I was finally interesting to him. "What do I need to do?" I gave him a gentle smile. Another ally had joined. 


I had found more than three people who wanted to join us. Which was only the camera department.  This is where my ability came in handy. I wanted to check on the boys if they were done with Craig, so I returned to Craig's office, standing outside the lift while watching his open door carefully. I saw another door open the opposite side, the mens' room. All three of them came out, chatting happily. "Are you done with Craig?" I whispered shocked. They nodded to me, indicating for me to stay quiet. Henry was pointing at Craig's office. I slowly tiptoed to his door, sneaking a look at the small opening. There was a mumble, explaining something that I couldn't understand. I took my chance and quickly swished the opening to see who Craig was talking to. I couldn't see much. But I saw enough. I knew exactly who he was talking to. It was Red. Again. I couldn't hold it.

"Red?!" I shrieked, stomping into the room. I heard some grunts behind me, knowing that it was Caleb that was upset with me taking harsh decisions.

"What are you doing here, Audree?!" Craig yelled at me, as if I was ruining the best moment of his life.

Red didn't turn around. His hood was covering his hair. He threw himself on the table, where he had dumped his glasses, then put them on. "Hey Audree." he said. He was suddenly leaning on the table, then sat on something. It was a sheet of paper. I sprinted to him, then pushed him off from the table as if it would disappear if I didn't retrieve it fast. I recognized it immediately. Red wasn't looking at me. He looked at the wall with a dull posture, a shameful posture.

It was a contract. Red was going to sign a contract. For me. "Why are you doing this?!" I freaked out. "Don't sign this to help me, I've got this under control!"

"You can't stay here!" He finally dared to oppose me. "This place will change you forever, Audree. You won't be you anymore if you stay."

"Chill, boys and girls." Craig butted in. "He was only offering his help and a membership with West Bite to make business with me, Audree. Don't be too arrogant. Everything isn't about you." I looked at Red. He was completely wrong. Red knew more than anyone else that West Bite was a bad company. If he wanted to join the business world he wouldn't join West Bite. He had his own "contacts".

"I'm sorry, Audree. I don't want you involved with this place."

"Just don't sign it." I looked away. "Let's get out of here." I walked to the door, then noticed that he wasn't coming with me.

"That's the problem, Audree. I already signed it." He was looking at the contract. It was too far away, and I couldn't see what the contract said.

"We have a new member here!" Craig sang out, taking the contract. He walked to his secret vault, then tapped his password. I watched every move he was making carefully. Then he opened the vault and put the contract on a huge pile of paper. Hundreds of forced contracts. Including Red. I had dragged Red with me into a stupid mistake I made. Craig grinned at me, then closed the vault. Only the bang was heard when he shut the vault door, then locked it over again.



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