3: Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra

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I got bored. This takes place in season three and Sabine is still here. P.S. I know it's not Halloween, you'll find out what I mean when you read also this isn't supposed to be scary.



Ezra's P.O.V

Today we had a day off and let me tell you how exciting it is doing nothing but sitting on the couch. "Well, I'm bored," I said to no one in particular. Just then, Sabine and Zeb walk in and see me. "Hey," I said lazily. "Uh, hey?" Sabine said confused, "Are you bored or something?" "Yeah," I said staring at the wall across the room.

I saw Zeb head to the kitchen to probably get something to eat and Sabine sat at the round table. "Kanan, Hera and Chopper went out for a little bit so it's just going to be us to today," Sabine informed me. "Ok, so what can we do?" I asked, "I'm sure you both are bored too." Zeb walked in with a plate of waffles, "What did I miss?" "Oh! I know what we can do!" Sabine said getting up and leaving the room.

Zeb sat next to me and ate his waffles while we waited for Sabine to return. I tried to grab and waffle but Zeb slapped my hand away. I rubbed my hand and glared at the lasat. "Don't even think about steal'en me waffles," he said and I rolled my eyes. "Ey eye captain," I said saluting mockingly and Zeb glared back.

Sabine returned to find me and Zeb having a glaring contest. "Are you two done staring at each other?" Sabine asked. "Yeah," I said turning away from Zeb to see Sabine with a paint can. "Let me guess," Zeb said, "Your idea was for us to paint." "No," Sabine said, "The thing I'm painting is what we are going to do." Me and Zeb looked at her confused.

"Trust me," Sabine said, "you're going to love it." "Are we playing hop scotch?" I asked and Zeb laughed. "If it was that, I'm already out of here," he said, "or just watch you both play." "It's not that," Sabine said rolling her eyes then started to spray paint the floor. "Hera's going to get mad at you for painting on the floor," I warned.

"Relax, it's washable paint," she said, "You think I'm crazy enough to put permanent paint of the floor?" "In some ways, yes," Zeb said taking a bite out of a waffle. I stood up to see what Sabine was painting of the floor. "Why are you painting letters and numbers then 'yes', 'no', and 'goodbye'?" I asked. Sabine stood up to examine her work, "Perfect." Sabine smiled and showed her art work, "Boys, meet the ouija board." (I will say this now: DON'T TRY THE OUIJA BOARD ANY WHERE AND I NEVER PLAYED THIS BEFORE BUT WATCHED IT FROM VIDEOS AND I NEVER PLAN ON PLAYING IT!!!!)

   "What's an ouija board?" Zeb asked confused and I was too. "It's a way to contact ghosts or spirits," Sabine said creepily. "That sounds cool," I said smiling. "Ghosts aren't real," Zeb stated. "Then maybe if you play this you will believe," she said and walked out to back with a   small glass cup. "So, who's brave enough to play?" Sabine said with challenging voice.

   "I'm in," I said and we both looked at Zeb. "Fine, just to prove that ghosts aren't real," he said. We sat down in front of the board and Sabine set the cup in the middle. "Ok so each player lightly sets their fingers on the top of the cup," Sabine explained so me and Zeb did as we were told. "Have you played this before?" I asked her and she nodded.

   "Me and my brother would do it when we were little while our mother was busy," Sabine said then continued to explain, "No matter what, don't remove your fingers." "Why?" Zeb asked. "It's the rules," Sabine said simply, "Now we are going to circle the cup counter clockwise." We all did as we were told then Sabine asked, "Are there any spirits here with us?" She told us to stop in the middle of the board and wait.

   "So when is this ghost supposed to come?" Zeb asked. "Just be patient," Sabine said, "Sometimes we have to do it a second time to get a ghost." Then I felt something under my fingers started to move. The three of us saw the cup move to yes. "Ok, who moved it?" Zeb asked, "Is this just supposed to be a prank?" "I promise on my life that it wasn't me," Sabine said. "It wasn't me either," I said.

   "Ok, now what?" Zeb asked with a raised eyebrow still not believing in this. "You asked a question just don't make it a stupid one," Sabine said. "Or what? We are going to hurt its feelings," Zeb said. "You could make it mad and trust me, you don't want to make it mad," Sabine said seriously," Just ask one." "Um ok," I said quickly thinking of a question, "What's your name?"

   The cup started to spell out a word. "D-A-N-N-Y," Sabine said, "Danny." "So his name is Danny," I said. "Ok Danny," Zeb said, "How old are you?" The cup moved down to the numbers and slid to one to seven. "17," I said, "We are the same age." The cup started to move by itself and spelled 'G-T-G' then the lights flickered on and off. "This is so creepy," Zeb said.

   "This is so cool," I said smiling, "Can we do it again?" "Sure, you want to start it again?" Sabine asked. "Ok," I said and we spun the cup around the board, "Is there any spirits here?"  When we stopped spinning it, the cup immediately went straight to yes. "I'll ask a question this time," Sabine said and thought of a question, "How did you die?"

   The cup moved and spelled out the word. "Empire," Zeb muttered and I felt bad for this person.  "I'll ask next," Zeb said. "So you are believing in this stuff now?" I said teasingly. "Kid, shut up," Zeb said but the cup moved before he could ask. "Uh, S-Sabine, what's going on?" I asked. "I don't know," she said and we watch it spell a word.

   My eyes widen and Zeb and Sabine looked confused. "Who's Ephraim?" Sabine asked me confused. "T-that's my dads name," I said almost speechless. Zeb and Sabine were shocked then the cup moved again. "Hi Ezra," Zeb said when the cup was done spelling. "Ezra, go ahead and talk to him," Sabine ushered.

   "Um u-um," I stuttered on thinking of a question, "Are you and mom doing ok?" The cup slid to yes and I smiled as tears brimmed my eyes. "Are you proud of me?" I asked regretting it but the cup slowly moved to yes. I asked a couple more questions until Sabine thought I should stop. "Before you go," I said and took a deep breath in and to calm down, "I love you and can you please tell mom that?"

   The cup moved over to yes then spelled out, 'Me too.' Then me, Sabine, and Zeb slid the cup over goodbye. I took my hands off the piece and wiped my eyes while sniffing some. "Oh Ezra," Sabine said a scooted over enveloping me in her arms. Zeb laid a hand on my shoulder for comfort. I laid my head on Sabine's shoulder and laid a hand on Zeb's to show how much I appreciate this.

   "Thanks you two," I said getting out of Sabine's hold and felt Zeb's hand recline from my shoulder. I stood up along with Sabine and Zeb. "You go and rest while me and Zeb clean this," Sabine said. I nodded and left for me and Zeb's shared cabin. "Why do I have to clean this too?" I heard Zeb say and I stifled back my laughter before heading to the room.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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