Clingy When Unconnected

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Ezra's P.O.V

   Empty. That's how I felt. Ever since we came back from a mission, I was almost captured. Kanan helped me get free but I was injected with something that is making me feel lonely. Like I just lost Kanan, but that wasn't true, was it?

   I'm laying here in bed debating on whether this is true or not. Tired of laying in bed and debating if Kanan is dead or not, I get up to go look for him. Another cold feeling of loneliness brushes against me as I walk to Kanan's room. I stop at the front door of his cabin. If I stood still enough, I could feel myself shaking. But why? Am I crying? Am I scared to know the truth? What's wrong with me?!

   I felt like I just needed to latch onto something and squeeze the life out of it. I knocked on the door but I don't hear a reply. I started to freak out and panic. I knocked again. No reply. I backed away from the door not wanting to know the truth anymore. The truth that Kanan was dead. No, he is not dead and I'm going to know. I opened the door to reveal an empty room.

   It was true, he's gone. I shut the door and sat in a fetal position on Kanan's bed. I cried wanting my master back. I knew I seemed like a baby right now but I didn't care. I lost someone that cared about me. A friend, a master, but most of all........a father. I heard the swish of the door slid open but didn't look up.

   "Ezra?" A firm but gentle and worried voice said. I recognized that voice anywhere and looked up. It was Kanan! He's alive! I got out of bed and ran up to Kanan. The next thing I did shocked him. I gave him a hug and cried quietly in his shoulder but wasn't planning on letting go. "Ezra, what's wrong?" He asked hugging back, rubbing circles on my back.

   "I-I thought I lost you," I whimpered. Kanan's embraced tightened a little and he asked, "Why do you think that? I was just playing a game with Zeb in the common room". The next thing I knew was that we were on his bed. I never let go the whole time but made sure we were in a comfortable position. "I feel cold, lost and.......lonely," I said and continued, "like you were dead".

Kanan's P.O.V

   "Like you were dead," I heard him say, shocking me a bit. Then I asked, "do you know why your feeling this way?" I asked him. "N-no," he said. I almost mentally kicked myself when I remembered Ezra getting a syringe to his arm. 'That must have been a force suspender,' I thought. A force suspender is a drug that can cut the force from you if taken. It also means that the effects on padawan's would more effective than master. It'll make them feel as if they lost there master. It looks like Ezra is one of those clingy kind of people who feel this way.

   The only thing I can do until the drug wears off is to comfort Ezra. I held him and dragged us both to lay down. I pulled the covers on us and said, "Ezra, how about we get some sleep". "But, what if I wake up and your not here?" He asked scared. "I promise I won't move," I said and petted his hair.  He did not seem sure at first I but a little while later I could hear soft snoring. "Get some rest my son," I cooed a fell asleep as well.


(Na, I'm going to continue😝)

   The next time I woke up, I found that my arms were empty. No Ezra until I heard a whimper in the corner of the room. I sat up and saw Ezra sitting in a fetal position crying. "He's dead, he's dead, he's dead, and now I'm alone again," he repeated over and over again. I went over and he saw me, quickly latching on scared out of his mind. "Ezra, now what is it?" I asked sitting next to him. "I tried to wake you up but you didn't," he said making my heart break.

   I gently pushed his head onto my chest where my heart was. "Can you hear that Ezra? If you can then you know that I'm still alive, ok?" I said. "Ok," he said and fell asleep again. I picked him up bridle style and somehow got us both in the bed. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a voice mummer, "I love you dad". I smiled and said, "I love you to son". I fell into my first peaceful sleep with a smile spread across my face.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


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