The Fight

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This takes place between season 1 and 2. ENJOY!!!!


Ezra's P.O.V

   "NO! YOU LISTEN KANAN JARRUS!" I heard Hera shout for the millionth time in three days. Hera and Kanan have been fighting for the past three days all because of me. I wanted to try and lead a mission but Hera said I wasn't ready yet. I told Kanan about this and he said that he would have a reasonable conversation with her.

   "WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU?!" I heard Kanan yell making me flinch. Those two have been to busy arguing and work the Sabine and Zeb that I wasn't getting any attention. Why did I have to mention on trying to lead a mission? Oh yeah, I wanted to prove that I could be a good leader. Well now, I don't want that anymore. I just want those two to stop fighting.

   I pulled my legs up to my chest and sat in the back corner of my bed, hiding. "GET OFF OF MY SHIP!" I heard Hera yell. "LIKE I EVEN WANTED TO BE HERE ANYWAY!" Kanan yelled back and stomping echoed through the halls. I felt cold when Kanan stomped by. Was he letting the drake side get to him? I need to stop what I started.

   I jumped off my bed and went to talk to Hera. I found her and Chopper in the cockpit. Hera was to mad and focused on work that she didn't notice me yet. "Um Hera?" I said and she turned around and glared daggers at me. Then her features soften when she saw my worried face, "Yes?" "Can you um," I was struggling to say what I wanted to say.

   Hera gestured to the seat next to her and I sat down looking at the floor. "Ezra, what's wrong?" Hera asked me and laid and hand on my knee for comfort. This was the reason I came to Hera first, she kept her cool around others. I wanted Kanan to calm down before I went to him.

I looked up at Hera in the eye and said, "Why are you and Kanan fighting?" Hera gave me a sad smile, "Remember when you asked me if you wanted to lead a mission?" "Yeah, I know all that so it's my fault the both of you are fighting," I said with a frown. "No, of course not," Hera reassured, "We just have our differences on choosing things at times."

"And your way of solving it is by fighting for the past three days?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "I never said it would be easy getting that stubborn man to agree with me," she said smiling. I laughed a little and actually smiled for once from the past three days. "Now that I think of it, I haven't seen you in quite a while," Hera said under her breath and realized something.

"Have we been ignoring you?" She asked. I looked out the window at the plains of Lothal. "Maybe just a little," I said quietly but Hera heard me. "I'm so sorry, Ezra," she said guilty. "Apologies when you end this fight with Kanan," I said, "I don't care if I have to lead a mission or not, I just want my family back." I realized what I said and immediately covered my mouth.

Hera looked at me in bewilderment. I stood and ran out of the room hearing Hera call for me. I didn't turn around but instead I went to my room and locked the door. I laid on my bed and thought, 'I'm so stupid.'

Hera's P.O.V

   I sighed when Ezra just ran out the door. I was a bit shocked that he called us his family but I had to admit that we do act like one. After I thought about it, I wondered if Ezra saw me and Kanan as parent figures. No wonder he looked so worried and lonely! Ezra saw the both of us as parents that were fighting and if this gets any worse, it would effect the rest of the crew.

   Me and Kanan need to fix this right now. For the crew and especially, Ezra's sake. I stood up and marched to the cargo bay. I stood on the ramp and saw Kanan sitting in meditation form on the ground. "Did you come to say your sorry?" The stubborn Jedi said not moving from his position. "Not to you," I said, "we both have some apologizing to do." Kanan stood up and turned, walking towards me.

   I stood next to me with a raised eyebrow, "What do you mean?" I sighed and said, "Ever since we started fighting, we didn't think on how it would effect the rest of the crew," I said. Kanan's eyes widen in realization and understood the senerio. "The one that's being effected the most is Ezra," I added and looked up into Kanan's eyes with motherly worry.

   "Then let's go apologize to the others," he said. "I sent Sabine and Zeb out on a supply run and Chopper's shut down to charge," I said. "Then it's the perfect time to have an apology to Ezra since we've been ignoring him," Kanan said and walked to the ladder. "He called us family," I said with my back facing him.

   I could tell that he froze then continued up the ladder with me following. "Then I guess we're going to give our son some attention," Kanan said smiling softly at me. I returned the smile and we walked to Ezra and Zeb's shared room. Me and Kanan stood in front of the door and I knocked on it. "Ezra?" I said gently, "Can we come in?"

   There was no reply and the door did not open. Kanan waved his hand in the air and the door unlocked then opened. A dark room was revealed with the hall's light, the only source to help see a gloomy teenager laying on the top bunk with his back facing us. Me and Kanan walked into the room and quietly over to Ezra. When we were close enough, we heard soft, ragged snoring come from the teen.

   Me and Kanan smiled at each other. Kanan grabbed a blanket and draped it onto the teen to the shoulder. I kissed the back of his head and gently combed my fingers through the locks of bluish, blackish hair. "We're sorry," me and Kanan said before quietly making our way out of the room. Kanan and I looked into the room one more time before closing the door.

   I looked over at Kanan and saw him smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I asked curiously. Kanan looked at me and whispered, "He wasn't asleep." I rolled my eyes and went to the cockpit. I hope that we can fix what we broke. I know we can, together as a family.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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