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Ezra's P.O.V

My teeth chatter and my body shivers from the cold. Let's just say, I hate Hoth! On Lothal, I didn't have to worry about it being below negative ten degrees, possibly lower. It was warm on Lothal and bone chilling on Hoth.

Some wise guy told us to pick up some supplies here on the planet. But the only problem was that we have no idea where they are. Now I'm attempting to keep warm in my coat and keep my eyes open from the snow blowing into my face.

Also, even better news is that we were paired up into groups to go find the supplies. Guess who my partner is. "Ndbejdjbfn," the grumpy droid said in annoyance. Yep, good old Chopper........who am I kidding, I'm done for already. "S-shut u-up, ch-ch-Chopper," I said shivering.

To be honest, I'm surprised his circuits didn't freeze yet. Chopper rolled away while I trudged as fast as I could to keep up. The wind started to pick up and knocking my hood down. I pulled it back up and the air was making it hard to breath for some reason. Who knew air could suffocate you.

Then my nose started to tickle. "Achoo!" I sneezed into the crook of my arm then sniffed. 'Great, now I'm getting sick,' I thought groggily, 'Can things get worse?' Then my comm whistled to life, "All specters retern back to the Ghost, me and Zeb found the supplies," I heard Kanan say.

'I take back what I said, if things were going to get worse,' I thought happily. "Chopper, let's go back," I said and started to head back to the Ghost. "Ndjsjsbb," Chopper said rejoicing and followed me back to the ship.

"Is it just me or is it hard to see through the snow," I said when the blowing snow was making everything hard to see. "Brbdkdjdb," Chopper said shrugging his shrimps that we call arms. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE THE GHOST IS?!" I shouted at the droid.

"Ndndbdjh," Chopper said then zapped me in the leg. Luckily, my leg was to numb to feel the zap or else Chopper is becoming the new Frosty the snowman. "No, I don't know where the Ghost is?!" I spat and groaned in annoyance. "Of course, I had to be partnered up with the worthless, grumpy droid, who doesn't care if i become an orange ice pop," I muttered under my breath.

What I didn't know, was that Chopper heard me. He became quiet and rolled silently near me. We kept going and tried to find the Ghost with no such luck. It was becoming colder and darker by the minute. I felt my sickness become worse than before and I couldn't feel my legs or fingers. I think frostbite was hungry enough to eat my fingers with no pain without me realizing it.

"Specter 6 and 3, where are you two?" I heard Kanan's voice. I slowly grabbed my comm and spoke into it, "w-we are k-kinda l-lost." There was no reply for a while and I think the comms are starting to jam. "Take........shelter.......pick up.........Phantom," that was all I heard until the comm was jammed. "Oh no," I muttered then put the comm back on my belt.

   How were they going to find us and I can't even find any shelter anywhere! Chopper nudged himself into my leg then rolled off into a different direction. "Where are you going?" I said and followed the tin head. To my surprise, he found a cave and we both went in. "Good job, Chop," I said thankful for his finding and huddled into a ball to keep warm.

   Chopper didn't say or do anything but stand in one spot. I raised an eyebrow and stood up to gather sticks. I placed them on the ground and started a fire. I sat near it and watched the flames dance in the oddly silence of the droid. I glanced over at Chopper and saw no change from him.

   "Hey Chop, what's wrong?" I asked looking at him. He didn't do anything. What was that droid up too? I shrugged it off and turned back to the fire. Even with the warmth, I still shivered and my teeth still chattered. I wasn't paying attention until the warmth disappeared. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw the fire burn out.

   No all that was left from the fire was a scotch spot and smoke. It was becoming colder and my only source of warmth just was put out. My body was now becoming really numb and I was becoming sleepy. My sickness was starting to get the best of me. I was sneezing and coughing badly and headaches were punching me in the head.

   I laid down into a ball, on the stone floor and did my best to stay awake. The world around me was becoming darker and my eyes stared to close. 'I guess this is the end,' I thought as everything became black.

   I opened my eyes to see a blinding light in front of me. 'Did I die?' I thought until everything became more clear. I looked around and found myself in the med bay! But how? I weakly turned my head in wonder on how I made it out alive. 'Wait, what about Chopper?' I thought, 'Did he make it too?'

   The door to the med bay opened revealing Hera. She smiled sadly at me and walked over to the bed I was laying on. "How are you feeling?" She asked me and sat in a chair. "Like I've gone to a party with Jack Frost and Elsa," I said making Hera laugh a little. "What's wrong?" I asked when I could feel her sadness through the force.

   Hera frowned and grabbed my hand soothingly rubbing circles on the top with her thumb. "You have to understand that Chopper isn't going to make it," she said sadly. My eyes widen in disbelief at the news. "What?!" I shouted sadly, "Why?!"

   "Chopper sent out a single for us and we traced it to where you both were. When we found you passed out, Kanan carried you to here and Zeb had to carry Chopper. I worked on you first and after I was done then I went to work on Chop. Long ago, I implanted an emergency track signal that could track him anywhere he went.

   But it also came with a consequence, if he wasn't warm enough then his whole system would shut down completely. Well, he used it and risked his life to save yours," she explained. My heart dropped and I thought back to what I said about Chopper.

  "Of course, I had to be partnered up with the worthless, grumpy droid..."

   Now I knew why he was silent, cause I hurt his feelings. I didn't even know droids had feelings and now I felt awful. Chopper was right, I am an idiot. But why did he save me? He could have just left me to die. I looked at Her and asked, "Why did he save me?" I was hoping she would have an answer since she knew Chopper better than anyone else.

   Hera smile a creased some hair out of my face. "Chopper would do anything to save his family," she said. I didn't know till now that I was squeezing Hera's hand. I let go of her hand, "S-sorry." I also noticed that I was holding back my emotions so I looked away. I didn't want Hera to see me cry.

   I felt myself sink a bit then warm arms embrace me. "It's alright," she said setting her head on mine. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and silently cried. "B-but why would he save me after I was being a jerk to him," I said and regretting mentioning it. Hera turned my head to meet hers, "He may be a droid but as I said, he would do anything to protect his family because he loves us including you," she said.

   I laid my head on Hera's chest for warmth. I still felt cold but I felt worse with everything I said to Chopper. I closed my eyes and whispered, "thank you Chopper." I closed my eyes a fell asleep.


Stay tuned and adiós!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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