Ezra's Lothcat

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Yeah, I couldn't think of anything.......so I improvised. Enjoy!!!!


Ezra's P.O.V

I was taking a walk through the plains of Lothal when something caught my eye. A strange looking Lothkitten. It had white and sandy colored fur and an obsidian eyes. It was cute though. "Hi there little fella," I said, "where's your family?". The kitten meowed and rubbed it's head against my hand. "Are you alone?" I questioned and then an idea came to my head. "How about I keep you," I said and picked the tiny creature up. It let out a happy meow and I smiled.

"Ok, I'm going to have to name you," I said thinking, "how about.......Sandy". The kitten let out a joyous meow and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sandy it is," I said and pulled the kittens up to mine. I rubbed our heads together and smiled pulling back to see my new pet, no friend. Then my eyes widen when questions came to mind. What if Hera says no to having Sandy on the Ghost? Who would take care of her? Worry for the little girl in my arms came and again I realized something.

I already love to much to let her go so easily. I looked down and saw Sandy fast away in my arms. I smiled and walked back to the Ghost. 'I'll just hide her somewhere,' I thought.

I arrived back at the Ghost and quickly went in. I looked around to find a place to hide Sandy and found a closet that would be perfect. I hide Sandy inside and gave her what she needed. A knock came from the door and opened revealing Kanan. I smiled and said, "Hhheeeyyy Kanan. Did you need something?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing in the closet?". I raced through my head to find the perfect excuse. Then it hit me in the head when it came.

"I'm hiding from Zeb," I said smiling innocently. Kanan sighed irritated and asked, "What did you do this time?". I quickly looked behind me and saw that Sandy disappeared. At the corner of my eye, there was a vent that was open. I got up and said, "I ate his space waffles". I closed the door before he said anything else and climbed into the vent to go find that kitten.

*an hour later*

   "Karabast!" I hear Zeb yell and quickly get out of the vents. I get out and run to find Zeb pointing his Bo-rifle at Sandy. "No!" I yell running up and blocking Sandy, "don't hurt her". Zeb gave me a confused look and kept pointing at my little kitten. "What on Lothal is it, cause that does not look like you everyday lothcats," Zeb asked. "I don't know, but she won't hurt you now put your weapon down.

   Me and Zeb over the weapon but then I accidentally pulled the trigger. Me and Zeb stopped fighting when a loud screech filled the room. I looked over with horror in my eyes as I saw Sandy laying on the floor way to still. "P-please tell me it was on stun," I begged Zeb. He didn't say anything. I ran over and sat down next to Sandy. 'This is all my fault,' I thought and tears streamed down my face.

A couple minutes later the rest of the crew came in and asked what the noise was. Instead they saw me next to Sandy crying. Hera came over to comfort me and so did Kanan. Sabine and Zeb and Sabine stayed off to the side.

   "Ezra," I heard Kanan say gently, "please explain everything". I took in a deep breath and explained how I found, fell in love, and wanted, Sandy. Hera gave me a hug and I gladly expected it. "How about we go make Sandy a nice grave," Hera said softly. I nodded and smiled, standing up me and Kanan went and dug a hole. I made a headstone and later on we buried Sandy. I read the stone and it said, Sandy, the best kitten on Lothal and forever loved by me.

  "Bye Sandy, I'll miss you," I said, "I love you". Kanan rested his hand on my shoulder for comfort, "We will be there if you need us". The rest of the crew nodded in agreement. "Thanks guys, I don't just love Sandy but also you guys. Your the best family I could ask for," I said. Everyone smiled and we all headed back to the Ghost.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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