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Sorry people who requested things but I couldn't figure out how to make anything into a short story!!! Again, so sorry!!! You guys have been awesome and amazing and I couldn't ask for a better audience!!! So I feel really bad!! But I hope this will make up for it and my late updating. ENJOY!!!!!!


Kanan's P.O.V

Ezra was captured by the empire and we were helping him escape right now. "Specter 1, do you read me?" I heard Sabine say through the comm. "I read ya loud and clear," I said. "He's in cell 12," Sabine said so I ran to the cell. 10.....11......12! I hacked the system and the door opened to reveal a torture chamber.

Ezra was strapped to a table and passed out. He had cuts, bruises, gashes, and etc. I unstrapped him and he fell into my arms. "I got him, all specters back to the Ghost," I said and slung Ezra over my shoulder. I ran out and finally noticed that there wasn't any storm troopers in sight. 'That's strange,' I thought and ran back to the Ghost with no difficulty.

I laid Ezra on the med bay bed and let him rest. Hera came in a minute later and fixed Ezra up. I felt to make something for him to eat. I would bet he was hungry.

Hera came into the kitchen a couple minutes later. "How is he?" I asked. "He will be just fine," she said and left towards the cockpit. I put a plate of food on a tray and a cup of water. I picked it up and carried it to the med bay.

I entered the small med bay and put the tray on the counter. Then I looked over to the bed to see it empty? I walked over to the bed and saw a little lump under the blanket. I lifted the blanket and saw my 'tiny' padawan sleeping. His clothes somehow shrank with him too. He couldn't have been much bigger than my pointer finger!

Ezra's eyes started to open and he looked at me. He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up. "Kanan?" He said in confusion, "Why are you so tall?". "I think your question should be, why are you so tiny?" I said and he looked at himself. "What the karabast?!" He said shocked, "How did I shrink?!". "The empire probably drugged you with something to make you puny," I guessed.

"That would make sense but why?" He asked. "Probably to make you more vulnerable to help us," I said. "I do feel weak and vulnerable this size," he said sadly, "Kanan, I don't want to be small". "I know and we will find a way to make you big again," I said cheering him up.

"Come on, let's go tell the others about your 'little' problem," I chuckled and got a glare from him. "Not funny Kanan, I already feel useless enough," Ezra pouted and crossed his arms. "Fine, I'll stop," I said rolling my eyes and smiling.

*one shocked out crew later*

The crew were at first shocked but quickly were over it. "So what are we going to do?" Hera asked. "We are going to find a cure but in the meantime, we are going to have to keep a closer eye on Ezra," I said and everyone agreed.

"Well, I'm going to go paint," Sabine said leaving. "I'm going to take a nap," Zeb said and also left. Hera and Chopper went to fix the cockpit leaving me with tiny Ezra. "Ok, you are going to have to sleep with me until you are big again," I said. "Why can't I sleep in my own bed?" He asked sadly. "Probably the fact that your on the top bunk and your to small," I said.

I could tell Ezra wasn't liking being small. He felt weak and useless but he was stronger than he thinks. I took us to my room and used found a small box that would be perfect for his bed. I put a cloth in it and some cotton for a pillow. I set him in it and he looked at his 'bed'. Ezra looked at me in confusion and sadness. "It's going to have to do for know," he said and laid down getting comfy.

I helped tuck him in and Ezra glared at me. "I don't need you treating me like a baby!" He yelled and laid down. I was a bit taken back by this but decided to let it slide. I couldn't see his face but I could feel his sadness. I let out a sigh and said, "Goodnight Ezra". I walked over to my bed and laid in it, then later fell asleep.

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