Little Guy

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I want to give full credit to sofiaxhuho for this chapter's idea!!!! Enjoy!!!!


Ezra's P.O.V

   I was resting in bed after me and my crew escaped the empire once again. But this time, I was injected with something that is making me feel under the weather. Hera checked me over but said to sleep it off. Well it's kind of hard to sleep when you feel like you're being turned inside out. It was just me and Kanan on the Ghost while the others were going to be gone for a couple of days. So we are taking a break. Somehow I was dozing off into a peaceful sleep. Finally getting rid of the pain for now.


Kanan's P.O.V

   I was meditating when I could feel a disturbance in the force. Sadness, Fear, and....panic. I got up and went to the source of all this sadness, my padawan, Ezra. Although, I thought of him as more of him as a son and would worry me at times, such as now. I stood in front of his and Zeb's room and the feeling felt even stronger. I opened the door and looked around the room to find my padawan.

   That was when I saw a small form huddled in the corner of Ezra's bed. I was curious and got a closer look. There was a small boy that seemed to be almost five years old. He had the same clothes and hair color as Ezra. Blue eyes gazed at me with innocence and fear. Is that Ezra? No, the Ezra I know is older and longer hair.

   Still, I needed to help this boy and figure out where on Lothal Ezra went. "Hey little guy," I said softly, "what's your name?". The boy stared at me that it seemed like he was looking into my own soul. Then a small voice came from the child, "Ezyw".

   Did he just say his name was Ezra?! I was shocked but then smiled at the small boy. "My name is Kanan," I said smiling. Ezra smiled back and crawled out of the bed. I bent down to his level and said, "Can you tell me how old you are?" I asked. Ezra seemed really shy and I barely heard him say, "friv". I knew it! He was five! I mentally did a happy dance and asked, "Are you hungry?". I nodded his head and I picked him up, heading towards the kitchen. "Alright my little guy, here you go," I said handing him a Meiloorun fruit.

   He quickly gobbled it down and when he was done, I couldn't help but laugh. Ezra had Meiloorun juice all over hi face and clothes. I threw the Meiloorun's core in the trash and went to get Ezra something else to wear. I found a small shirt that would never fit me anymore but who knows how big this will be on my little guy. Yes, he's my little guy and I was proud of it.

   I wiped his face off and  gave Ezra the shirt, he changed into it. The shirt was really big on him that it looked like he was wearing a dress. We both walked out of the room and went outside. I sat down and watched my little guy sneak up on a lothcats. Ezra began to chase lothcats around until one finally got ticked off and pounced on him. I ran up and threw the feisty cat back into the tall grass.

   I looked down to see Ezra crying with scratches and bruises littering his arms and face. I picked him up and went to the med bay. I set the crying boy down and quickly found some gauze. Ezra slowly stopped crying as I finished putting the bandages on him. I wiped a lone tear that fell down his face. "Better?" I cooed softly and he nodded his head shyly.

   Ezra then surprised me with a hug and I returned the favor. A yawn escaped his lips and I picked him up, "time for some sleep". "Ri mam nort triederd (translation: I am not tired)," he sad rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah and I'm a space cowboy," I said rolling my eyes and tickled Ezra's stomach. He giggled and we went to my room to sleep. I put Ezra on my top bed and laid him down. "There you go," I said tucking him into the bed. He snuggled into the warmth and closed his eyes with a big smile on his face. 'He's so cute,' I thought staring at his sleeping form. I got into my bed and fell asleep with a smile also.

When I woke up again, I saw someone in my hold. I looked down to find Ezra back to his old self and cuddled into me. I smiled and held him, my little guy. Then I hear a faint whisper say, "dada". My smile widen and I kissed my padawan's forehead, "my little guy". I fell asleep with me and Ezra's bond strengthened through father and son love.


Yeah cheesy ending. Anyway, stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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