Mother vs Father 2

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AND WE ARE BACK WITH ROUND 2! Make sure you comment on who was the better parent figure after this! Now ladies and gentlemen may I introduce the mother of the Ghost! ENJOY!!

This is going to take place in season 2.


Hera's P.O.V

   I was walking down the hall to the cockpit until a sneeze came from a cabin. I came to a halt and wondered where it came from. I knocked on Sabine's door and it opened revealing the artist herself. "Did you hear any sneezing?" I asked her. "Come to think of it, I've been hearing it all morning," she said, "and I think I know who." She pointed her thumb towards Zeb and Ezra's shared cabin.

   "Thanks Sabine," I said and she went back to painting in her room. I knew that it wasn't Zeb cause I sent him, Kanan, and Chopper out on a supply run. I knocked on the door and said, "Ezra, can I come in?" "Uh yeah," I heard him say unsure which raised my suspicions. I opened the door and found the blue haired boy sitting on his bed, messing with his lightsaber. I walked in and stood in front of him.

   "Are you ok?" I asked worried, "You didn't come out of the room since breakfast and even after that." "Yeah, I'm ok," he said but I knew better. "Then you won't mind me doing this," I said taking my glove off and gently pressed it on his forehead then cheek. He flinched back in surprise and stuttered, "What are you doing?" My suspicions were correct, he had a small fever.

   "Oh you know, checking to see if you were sick or not," I said casually and he sighed. I smiled, "Looks like a small fever too." His eyes were droopy, skin pale, tired, sweaty. "Achoo!" He sneezed into his arm. 'Adding sneezing to the list,' I thought. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked. "I didn't want you guys to think I was weak," he admitted in a scratchy voice. Sore throat, I'm guessing. Maybe it was a cold.

   "Ezra, we do not and will ever think you are weak cause you are sick," I reassured, "and if anyone does, let's just say they get to clean the bathroom." I saw Ezra shiver at that cause we all knew that the bathroom was probably the worst part of the Ghost to clean. Then a faint smile appeared across his lips, "Thanks Hera." "Thank me when we get you feelings better," I said and urged him to lay down.

   After some fighting and protests, I finally got him to lay down without another word. "I'm going to get some medicine and then for lunch you are going to have some soup," I said. "Hera, you don't need to do any of that," he said, "I'll feel better by tomorrow." I turned around to look at him, "Ezra, a cold could last up to a month if not taken care of properly." (Author note: this is true, I had a cold that lasted me three weeks and two days but who's counting😂)

   Ezra didn't say another word. I left to get the medicine and soup. I came back a while later to find Ezra sleeping. I could hear his ragged breathing from the sore throat and stuffy nose. I smiled and set the tray on a small table. I walked over to the bed and brushed some hairs out of his face. Ezra leaned into the touch making me smile.

   "Get better soon," I said and left with the tray to let him sleep. I would come back later but first, let him rest.


Alright everyone, who was the winner of the Mother vs Father showdown! Comment at the bottom and maybe next time that will be the person I do next.

Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


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