It Hurts Him 2

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@REBELGIRL0309 requested this!!! ENJOY!!!!


Ezra's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since Kanan and Hera helped me with my problems. I couldn't ask for anyone better than them. "Lights out!" Hera said through the comm. I hopped into my bed and laid there for a bit when a churning feeling swept over me. Zen came in a bit later, "Good night Kid". "Night," I said almost non audible. "Are you ok?" He asked me and what surprised me was that he actually sounded worried.

"Yeah, just tried is all," I said a little louder and pretended to yawn. "Ok," Zed said not sure whether to believe me or not. The lights were turned off and the only noise in the room was Zeb's mammoth snoring . I kept tossing and turning in bed but my stomach made matters worse to get any sleep.

Then My head started to hurt so horrible that it felt like a huge weight was hitting it. I gave up on trying to get any sleep and just laid in bed in sickening pain. Then my breathing was becoming uneven and it was getting cold. I started to shiver and a layer of sweat came from no where.

   'I guess I'm sick,' I thought groggily. I started to cough a lot into the crook of my arm. When I was done, I pulled my arm away to see blood. I freaked out quietly to not wake up Zeb. I scraped off some blood from my lip with my finger. 'What is wrong with me?!' I thought scared.

   I calmed down immediately and said in my head, 'stay calm Bridger'. I jumped off of my bed and fell to my knees weakly. I used the wall to help me walk through the dark halls of the Ghost to get help. I exited the room and then suddenly felt a wave of dizziness hit me hard. "Help," I said weakly before falling over and blacking out.

Kanan's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of Ezra's voice saying 'help' through the force. I stood up and used the force to help me get to Ezra without any obstacles in the way. I heard the door open and that's when I "saw" Ezra's signature sprawled out on the floor. I could feel that he was in pain so I ran over and knelt down next to him.

   "Ezra, Ezra, Ezra," I said but it wasn't working so I did the next thing and pulled out my comm. "Hera, I need help, get to the med bay stat," I said and picked Ezra up then headed to the med bay. "Got it, Kanan," I heard Hera say with determination and worry.

I made it to the bay and set Ezra on the bed. Hera came in a second later and shooed me out of the room. I obeyed and waited for results in the common room.

Hera's P.O.V

   I changed Ezra into a long gown and kept his underwear on. I began to run tests by getting a blood sample and cat scans. I found that he had some kind of disease that could possibly be deadly. I successfully stables Ezra and let him sleep but I couldn't leave without someone watching over him.

I pulled out my comm and spoke with Kanan, "Kanan, can you come down to the med bay?". "I'll be right there," I heard him say and a couple minutes later, the blind Jedi entered the room. "How's Ezra?" He asked worried about the 17 year old. "He is stable but just in case, I need you to um.." I paused to think of the right words to say.

   "I'll watch over him," he said, "what are you doing?". "I'm going to talk with Sato about Ezra's condition," I said and walked out without saying another word.

Kanan's P.O.V

   I was going to ask what was wrong with Ezra but Hera was already out of the room. I sighed when I felt her hesitate and worry through the force. There was a strong feeling of fear emitting from the pilot, which made me worry a lot more.

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