The Flare

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I want to give full credit to SWRgirl for some this story idea. This is going to be a crossover with The Maze Runner. Enjoy!!

(I do not own The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials!!!) Just to make that clear😁😁😁


Ezra's P.O.V.

   Me and Kanan are going to a planet called Earth for training today. I have never heard of Earth before, I wonder what it is like. I'm really excited to see this planet and I couldn't wait to go see it. I bet it was full of life waiting for me to explore it. I smiled and the door to my room slid open to reveal my master.

   " Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and asked him, "do you think we could sight see the place for awhile. I never been to that planet before". Kanan smiled, "Sure, I've never been to this planet either so we could look around a bit". I jumped out of my bed and grabbed my light saber.

   We both headed towards the Phantom and we were off. I couldn't stop moving in my seat and anxiously waited to arrive already. 'I bet this place is going to be amazing,' I thought.

*an hour later*

   The Phantom exited out of hyperspace and I saw a planet out the window. I stood up to go see what Earth looked like from where we were. It seem like most of the planet was a desert like it has been.......burned. I didn't know what it really looked like for all I know, it could have always been this way. "Entering Earth's atmosphere, so you should probably sit down," Kanan said, "this is going to be a bumpy ride". I sat down when I felt the tremors as Kanan said started. I held for awhile until the shaking stopped.

   Kanan landed the Phantom and we both exited it. The place looked like a desert, in the distance were a bunch of tall destroyed structures covered in sand. It didn't seem like a place for any sort of living thing to live in but then where did the huge buildings come from. "Alright, we'll look around when we are done with training,"Kanan said grabbing a couple of rocks. When he was collecting the rocks, a feeling that something was off came over me.

   It felt like there was something that we weren't expecting about this place. I shrugged the feeling away as I unlatched my light saber from my belt. "Today, we are going to deflect rocks," he said. I nodded and got into a defensive stance.

*an hour of training later*

We were done with training and just resting. "Can we go a check that place out?" I asked pointing to the buildings. "Sure," Kanan said and we both stood up and started to walk to the huge structures.

   The walk took about ten minutes until they arrived. "Woah," I said amazed and awed. The whole place looked like Lothal's biggest tornado and sandstorm came through this place. The all of the massive building's windows were shattered. The buildings itself look like they could fall any minute. The ground everywhere was covered in sand as far as my eye could see, maybe farther.

   "What happened here?" I heard Kanan say whispering. I saw that he had the same reaction as me, amazed. That feeling I had earlier, it is back and it's telling me to run back to the Phantom. But why? Nothing in miles of this place looks like anything could live here. "I am having a bad feeling about this place. Maybe we should go," Kanan said. "You can go, but I'm going to look around," I said and walked towards the demolished city.

   "I have a bad feeling about this," he muttered and followed me into the place.

   We were just walking for a couple of minutes, when we actually see people. Except they were wearing ragged clothes and looked like what I used to be. A street rat. I felt bad for these people, they didn't deserve this. I still walked past them and the urge to help them grew. But, how was I going help?

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