Birthmark 4

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Ezra's P.O.V

   Why was she here?! Was the first thought that came to my head when angry boiled in my veins. "Mom," I spat under my breath like it was venom. Mom took her hood off and my eyes widen when I saw blue eyes instead of yellow. "Hello son," she said with a blank expression.

   "Why are you here?! What's going on?!" I shouted at her. "I know you are mad," my mother starts, "and I can't forgive myself or your father's either but we couldn't fight it." I was confused, "What do you mean you couldn't fight it?" Mom looked at my sadly, "Your father and I were brainwashed and we did our best to fight it off."

   I noticed the crew was behind me and Kanan said, "Is that how I was able to beat you?" My mom nodded, "I had enough will power to make me hesitate so you would be able to knock me out or kill me, I do deserve it for what I've done." She looked at me and wrapped her arms around me. I was paralyzed and was taking everything in at once.

   "I-I saw what h-happened to h-her," mom whispered into my ear. My eyes went wide again and I finally returned the hug, burying my face into her shoulder. I let out silent tears and so did mom. She whispered one last thing into my ear making me gasp. "R-Really?" I said.

   Mom released my from the hug and smiled at me, nodding yes. "I have to go," mom said and looked up at the crew, "please take care of him." "You're not coming with us," I said sadly and wiped my tears away. "I'm afraid not," she said then whispered so I could only hear it, "take care baby." She pecked the top of my head and ran off.

   I stood there and watched as my mother ran off, leaving me again. Warm arms wrapped around me from behind and I turned, hooking onto whoever was hold me. "It's ok Ezra," I heard Kanan say and rubbing my back.

Kanan's P.O.V

After I said that, Ezra mumbled something into my shirt that I couldn't understand, "What was that?" I asked. I looked down to see Ezra look up at me with tear tracks and a smile. "She's alive," he said. "Who's alive?" I asked him confused. "My sister, she's alive," he said with joy laced in his voice.

"And we'll help you find her," Hera said coming up and standing behind me. "We all will," Sabine added and stood next to Ezra. I looked over to see Zeb smiling with a thumbs up and Chopper gave an enthusiastic whirl. "Well what are we doing still standing here?" Ezra said, "Let's go!" He ran off back to the Ghost with the rest of us following.

"That's your padawan," Hera teased me and walked off to the Ghost. "Hey, even if he is, that doesn't mean he acts like me," I said faking being hurt. "He acts just like you love," she said and climbed the latter then headed to the cockpit. I followed her and we entered to see Ezra sitting in the chair behind Hera's.

Hera and me sat in the two chairs in the front. I didn't see where the other three went. Probably to do what they would usually do. Hera took off up to space then made jump to hyperspace. She put it on auto pilot then turned to face Ezra. "Alright Ezra, you seem like you know what your doing so do you know where your sister is?" Hera asked.

Ezra stood up and took the off the fingerless glove then held the hand with his birthmark on it out. He closed his eyes and used the force to help him locate his sister. The birthmark on his hand started to glow, shocking me and Hera. A minute later, it stopped glowing and Ezra put his hand down. "That's weird," he said and opened his eyes.

"What's weird?" I asked and he looked out the window. "There!" He said and pointed to something. Me and Hera were shocked to see a ship tumbling around under us in hyperspace?! "How is that even possible?" I heard Hera say. "Anything is possible.....I guess," I said unsure. "Come on, let's go help them," Ezra said standing up. "Woah Ezra," Hera said, "If we get any closer to that ship then we're going to crash."

   "Plus, we don't even know who's all on that ship," I added. Ezra nodded and sat back down. Hera set up to communicate with the other ship. "Hello, this is the Ghost," Hera said, "Do you read me?" "Well, if it isn't my rebel friends!" An all to knowing cocky voice said through the comm. "oh no," I said, pinching the top of nose. Ezra walked up from behind and said smiling, "Hondo, it's good to here from you again.

   "Ezra, my boy, it's great to here from you again!" Hondo replied. "I hate to break up the reunion," Hera said, "but we would like to ask why your ship is tumbling in hyperspace under our ship?" "Oh that," Hondo said, "Well, I may have gotten hooked onto you and the wire broke, leaving me to tumble." "Can you get out of hyperspace?" She asked.

"I would but there are some.......distractions," he said then we heard some banging sounds in the back. "Hondo," Hera warned, "What was that." "Oh uh, it's a passenger, yes," he said. "Free passenger huh," I said smiling and Hera rolled her eyes. "Well tell me when you get out so I can attach to your ship so we can meet this free passenger," Hera said.

We heard Hondo laugh, "It'll be good to see you again, especially Ezra boy!" He said and ended the transmission. Hera looked at Ezra and stood up. She poked him in the chest and said, "Make sure he doesn't steal the Phantom again." Ezra raised his arms in defense smiling. I stood up to and ruffled his hair while walking past him.

*now watch me skip, now watch me nae nae*

Ezra's P.O.V

Hera and Kanan came back a while later and Hondo finally had the chance to get out of hyperspace. The Ghost did the same and we attached onto the other ship. The whole crew met up at the air lock where we met Hondo. "Greetings, it is I, Hondo!" Hondo greeted. "It's good to see you again, Hondo," I said. "You to my boy," Hondo said friendly hitting my back.

   "Great, now we're doomed," Zeb said muttered. I glared at him then turned my attention to the situation. "So, could we meet your new friend?" Kanan asked and I looked at Hondo. "Well, she is a bit of feisty one but I'm sure you will be fine," he said. Hondo led us onto the ship that surprised me that it's still in one piece.

   We arrived at a door before Hondo stopped in front of a door. "Oh yes, I should warn you that she can shoot fire balls out of her hand," he said while we entered. "Wait what?" Zeb said before he could get an answer, the door shut. We were in a section of the ship with cells on both sides of the hall. There were burn marks on the walls and they seemed fresh.

   We walked down the hall then I stopped in front of a certain door. It had scorch marks on the frame of the door that looked like they came from the inside. I laid my hand on the door and immediately flinched it away. It was hot! I put my ear as close to the door as possible and there was silence. Then a loud band hit the door from the inside making me trip back and hit the wall.

   The crew heard it to and ran over, helping me up. "Are you ok? What was that?" Sabine asked. "Yes and I don't know," I replied and looked at the door again. "LET ME OUT SO I CAN BURN YOUR SORRY FOR NOTHING FACE OFF WITH MY HAND!" Someone yelled from the other side of the door then there was another bang.

   The door to the cell flew off and hit me with full force against the wall behind me. "AAAHHHH!" I yelled from being crushed and burned. "Ezra!" Kanan yelled and him and Zeb pushed the hot metal door off of me. "Karabast! That's hot!" Zeb said shaking his hand. Hera and Kanan looked me over. "You have a broken rib and some burns but you'll be ok," Hera reassured me.

   "Ezra?" Another voice said and I looked over to see the shocked face of Cathy. What really surprised all of us was that she was glowing a bit and had wings on her back. "You're an angel?" I said in disbelief.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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