I Am Ezra Bridger 2

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HHHIIIIIII!!!!! I'm going to make another part cause why not! Enjoy!!!


*6 months later*

Ezra's P.O.V

My mask was cracking more and more. I try to counsel the real and past me. I had to tell lies almost all the time and bottle my emotions so the crew doesn't see my facade. It's been hard but when I'm around these people, it made me feel more better than before like they were my new family. I never showed that though, my weak side.

   My weak side is my childish, humorous, fun and energetic side. My true self. But over the years with murdering, neglect, and pain, my weak side was concealed deep down. Yet lately, that weak side has been showed often. I'm not even sure how, but it has.

   The crew somehow has been breaking my mask and releasing real Ezra. But I've got to keep it all secret still, especially my past as an assassin.

   "Hey Ezra," Kanan's voice spoke through the comm, "Can you come to my room? I need to tell you something...(I'm so into you I can barely breathe.....lol 😂😂 jk on with the story). That didn't sound good but I could hear some nervousness in his voice. "Yeah, I'm coming," I said and jumped off my bed and headed to my masters room.

   Over the past couple of weeks, I have been seeing Kanan as a father figure. I didn't show one spec of seeing him as a father though. It could bring out more of my weak side than I wanted. So I had to show him that I wasn't his. I wasn't his at all. I was just the same cold hearted murder that showed no love or fun. Nothing.

   The door to Kanan's cabin slid open and revealed the man himself. Kanan was sitting on the floor meditating and then noticed me enter. "Come here," Kanan said and we both sat on the bed. "Did you need something master?" I asked looking at him. He took a deep breath and thought on where to start. "You are an amazing padawan and I'm very proud of you Ezra...," he said and continued, "You have been an extraordinary member to the crew and family".

   Family. I wasn't in there family. I was just another person living with them and I wanted to stay that but I let him continue. "Well lately, I've been seeing you more that my student and more as......a.................son," he said. I froze and wondered if this was a dream. I pinched myself and felt the pain. Not a dream, this was real. Then he said something that shocked me.

   "Would you like me to adopt you so we can be an actual father and son? I will give you time to think if you need it," he said hopeful. I looked him straight in the eye and did something that I would probably regret. I glared daggers at him and yelled, "WHY IN ALL OF THE GALAXY WOULD I WANT TO BE A STUPID SON TO YOU?! IF YOU DID'T RELIZE THIS BEFORE I NEVER WANTED TO JOIN YOU TO BE FAMILY! I WANTED REVENGE ON THE EMPIRE FOR TAKING MY REAL PARENTS!".

   I stomped out of the room angrily and went to my shared room. I locked the door and laid on my bed. I couldn't believe I did that. But it had to be done, my weak side was not to be shown to anyone. I wasn't going to let anything, even if I really wanted it, get in my way. Actually, I don't even know why I saw him as a father in the first place.

   Now all I see Kanan was just a person I live with. Nothing more, nothing less. No more cracks in my mask, parent figures and, love. Just loneliness. I felt the hurt and sadness from Kanan. I closed off my emotions just in case I slip. I fell asleep with something wet sliding down my face.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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