Birthmark 2

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Ezra's P.O.V

It has been a couple of days since Cathy joined our crew. We had Sabine share the room with her. Now, we're about to go on a mission and also Cathy's first mission. I was excited but also scared. I didn't want my 'twin' to go out into battle with the Empire!

Now that I think about it, I don't want her to get hurt. She can't go on the mission. But, she has grown and maybe has some kind of weapon that helped her out over the years.

Yes. No. Yes. No. I don't know. I gave myself a headache from stressful debating on weather my sister should or shouldn't go into battle. The door to me and Zeb's shared room opens to reveal Cathy. "Hey bro," she chirped and walked over, then stood next to the bunk bed. "Yeah?" I asked, "Did Chopper shock you again?". I smirked when she rolled her eyes at me and muttered, "No".

She then said, "Hera wants us in the cockpit to get ready for the mission". I hopped off the bed and the debate in my head came back as I walked to the cockpit. No.Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. I made it to the cockpit and sat in a seat. Cathy leaned against a wall behind me and everyone else was ready for the meeting. "Alright crew, Sato said that there are supplies that the base needs in this star destroyer," Hera said and Chopper pulled up a hologram of a star destroyer.

"So the 'in and out' strategy like always," Sabine said. "Yes, but we need to be careful cause we don't know how much security is on it," Hera stated. "Prep for the mission," she ordered. Me, Sabine, Cathy and Zeb left the cockpit to rest for the mission. I was the last one out and heard Hera talk to Kanan. I stayed next to the door and ease dropped on the conversation. "Kanan, what if this was the star destroyer that has those two on it," I heard Hera say. "We don't know if it is but we need the supplies Hera," Kanan replied.

   "I know, it's just what Teesbo told me about.............'them'," Hera said in a shushed tone. Them? Who's them? What are they talking about? "Well if they are there, then we will protect Ezra and Cathy and help them if needed support when they feel as if they may fall," Kanan reasoned. I heard Hera sigh and felt the Ghost jerk a little going into hyperspace.

   I quietly made a bee line towards my room and kept asking question over question of what Hera and Kanan were talking about. Then adding the fact that my sister might get hurt on the mission only brought more stress than I needed. This was going to be a long day.


We arrived at the star destroyer and landed without any imperials trying to attack us. Actually, the star destroyer seemed......deserted but at the same time, not. "Keep an eye out for anything suspicious," Kanan said, "Spector 6 and 7 are with me. Spectors 4 and 5, take the opposite way we're going". "Ok boss," Zeb said and the two went off. We went the other way to look for the supplies.

We walked down the grime looking hall and I had a cold feeling sweep on to me. We walked for a little longer until we heard the sound of two lightsabers igniting to life. We turned around and saw two cloaked figures with blood colored lightsabers in their hand. Me and Kanan got our lightsabers out and stood in front of Cathy. I saw her from the side of my eye, put on some kind of gloves on her hands.

   "Well, if it isn't the two that abandoned us," a woman's voice from the cloaked figure on the right said. "Oh yes, you are right dear," a man's voice said from the other figure. Their voices sounded familiar and that's when I realized who it was. "Hi mom and dad, took ya long enough to find us," I said glaring. I could feel Cathy's shock from behind me when the two cloaked figures took off their hoods.

   "Hello my little lothcat and blueberry," mom cooed with an evil smirk on her face. "Now, be prepared to die," dad said and ran up to fight. Mom did the same coming at me. Me and Kanan fought with all our might. "You little brat, you and your sister abandoned us and now look what you made me," she said happily, "You made me better, more powerful than before". I stared into what used to be gentle electric blue eyes are now cold stone yellow.

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