What happens when Hera is not in the cockpit?

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So, what happens when Hera is not in the cockpit you may ask? Well, what if a certain someone was in there all by themselves and I'm not talking about the pilot.


Ezra's P.O.V

I walked into the cockpit to hang out with Hera. To my surprise, the cockpit was actually empty. I mean, like no one, not even Chopper was there. Weird. Then I thought of something that I always wanted to try if I had my own ship. I locked the door behind me and this may blow your minds but I for real, sat in the pilot's seat.

I took the controls that steered the ship and started to play like if we were actually in battle. I even made 'pew pew' noises. Then I stopped and sang my favorite cartoon song that would go with this.

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, flying through the sky, uh," I thought for a moment then continued, "Little Ghost crew."

Sabine's P.O.V

I was sitting next to the cockpit door with Hera, Kanan, Zeb, and Chopper. I heard Ezra making weird noises until I realized he was doing. I got everyone and we listened to him the whole time. Chopper was even recording it for what he calls 'making memories,' but we all know it's for blackmail.

We all are doing our best to hold back our laughters. Then something more amazing happened. "We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship," we heard him sing. OMG! I held my hand on my mouth. This was pure comedy gold. I could see Zeb literally biting his hand to hold in his laughter!

There was a slight pause and we all froze until he continued, "Little Ghost crew." We sighed in relief that he didn't hear us. I should paint this image that popped into my head of this hilarious moment. I quietly got up and went to do my work. "Where are you going?" Zeb asked. "Ezra once asked me if he could give me inspiration well let's just say, this is going to be a master piece," I said and went to my room.

Chopper came with me, saying that he had an idea for the painting. "Ok," I said and we went to my room.

Ezra's P.O.V

I stood up and feeling awesome to be seating in the most powerful seat in the Ghost. I walked to the door and unlocked it to leave. It was weird that the whole ship was silent. Where was everyone? I went to the common room and found Hera and Kanan planning something.

"Hey," I said. "Hey Ezra," Hera said smiling. "Hello," Kanan replied. Then Sabine came bursting through the door with tears in her eyes. She wasn't crying cause she was sad, no, it was from laughing to hard. "You guys need to check this out."

We all went to me and Zeb's room and found a new painting on the wall. It was me flying the Ghost, with an air bubble supposedly coming out of my mouth saying the song. "Uh," I said in shock. "Oh, it gets better," Sabine says. Sabine pressed a button and the sounds I was making earlier came out of the picture of my mouth.

   Lesson learned: Never sit in Hera's seat or the power of the Ghost will turn against you to make Chopper blackmail you.

   Yeah, I figured it was Chopper. I just turned and left the room without another word.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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