I Am Ezra Bridger

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WARNING: this may start out with a creepy kind of viv! Just saying, there will be mention of blood!! Contains spoilers from episode one!!!! Enjoy!!!


Ezra's P.O.V

   Blood shed. Screams of pain. The rush of it all. It gave me pleasure. The pleasure of my victims feeling my pain. Unwanted. Unloved. Empty. I was a cold blooded assassin but I worked with or for no one. This was like my hobby and I felt great to kill.

    I just got done killing two storm troopers. I held my knife, now covered in blood, and headed home to my tower.

   The door slid open to reveal my lonely area I called 'home'. I walked over to my table and picked up a cloth. I cleaned the knife and set it down in a special case. Then I laid in my bed and like always, a sudden pain hurts me mentally. I was happy after I killed but then later on, a huge pile of unhappiness comes full core. A question of physical and mental war raged in my head saying, 'Am I happy?'. Yes, of course I was happy, right? I fell asleep with the debate raging on in my head.

*the next day*

   I woke up and a strange feeling sweeps over me. I ignored it and made my way to town with my knife.

   I snuck around ally's and was going to steal a crate. It was full of food and I was starving right now. I made my move to steal the crate but suddenly, a guy in a short ponytail and lasat steal a crate. Storm troopers came around the corner and fired saying, "Stop you rebel scum!". Rebels. I hated the word rebels. It brought back memories of my parents.

   They rebelled against the empire and now look where it has gotten me. No parents, which made me into this monster that was out for blood. Suddenly, blaster fire filled the air and I ran off without the crate.

   In the snap of my fingers, I was surrounded by troopers with their blasters pointing at me. Then a ship comes out of no where and the rebels came attacking them. "Kid come on," the man with a ponytail said. Were they helping me?! I quickly thought if I should get on or not. "Come on, you've got a better idea?" Ponytail said. Nope. I ran and got on the ship.

   The ramp closed behind me and took off. I looked back at the so called rebels. "Watch him," ponytail said to the grumpy lasat and a rainbowfied maldorien. "Ok chief," the grumpy lasat said and the maldorien nodded. I rolled my eyes and sat on top of a crate. Ponytail left the cargo bay while I was stuck with rainbow and the big purple lothcat.

The ship started to shake and I fell off of the crate. The big purple lothcat decided to break his fall by using me as a cushion. "Get off of me!" I snapped at the lasat. "Sheesh, hasn't your mom taught you manners," the lasat said standing up. That made my bombs inside of me explode with anger. "DON'T EVER KRIFFING TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!" I shouted angrily. He was lucky that I didn't have my knife on me.

Wait, I had my knife. I looked down at my belt to find my knife gone. I lost my knife. My only possession I had left from my mom and dad. It was gone, forever. "Karabast, Karabast, karabast," I cursed under my breath. Then I kicked a crate and hurt my foot. "Kid, calm down," rainbow said. Rainbow was asking for it. I glared at her and the purple lothcat. I hated all of them and nothing was going to change my mind.

"Spector 4 and 5, bring the kid to the cockpit," a woman's voice said through a comm. "ok specter 2," rainbow said, "come on kid". "And why should I?" I said getting on their nerves. "Cause I said so, smurf head," rainbow said.

   I rolled my eyes and followed them to the the cockpit. We entered the cockpit and rainbow sat down in a colorful seat while the big cat leaned near the door. I didn't see an other way out so I just sat in a chair. I saw a green twi'lek pilot sitting across from me and she looked at me with gentle green eyes. It reminded me of....my mom, sort of. I shook the thought out of my head and remanded a blank look.

   "Why am I here?" I asked. "To keep a better eye on you," ponytail said. I let out an irritated grunt and sat back in the seat. "Alright crew, you guys ready to deliver the supplies," the green lady asked. There was nods and 'sures' from the crew.

   Soon we landed in an area I wasn't familiar with. The whole crew left and I followed them curiously. They went to the ramp and opened it. The other side was revealed and a poor looking town was shown. Rainbow and the purple lothcat grabbed some crates, pushing them towards the town. The twi'lek and ponytail went in a different direction.

   "Where are they going?" I asked rainbow. "It's none of your business," rainbow said but not in a mean way. It was like she didn't know either, weird. "Ok, what are you two doing?" I asked. "You can find out for yourself," rainbow said, "grab a crate, pull your weight". I couldn't believe what I was doing, obeying. A blood thirsty, disobedient, loner who doesn't follow rules, was actually helping and obeying. People would say it was the end of the world.

   But this was out of plain curiosity and nothing more. This won't be so bad to find out what they are doing. I'm a cold hearted assassin that as a mask as solid as steal cover my emotions for years. What can go wrong?

   We made it to town and looked around the area. "Where are we?" I asked. "This is Tarkin town," rainbow said, "these people were kicked off of their farms and now live here". Both rainbow and the lasat took the cover of the crate off revealing all sorts of food. I did the same and found food also some medical supplies. That's when it hit me harder than an asteroid, these people were starving with no food and barely any care at all.

   Then theses rebels swoop in and feed and help them. But why? I hand laid on my shoulder surprising me and was about to beat them but I noticed it was one of the town's people. "Thank you, thank you so much," he said and walked off with a fruit in hand. "I didn't do anything," I mumbled under my breath and......felt guilty for him and the others.

   An agonizing hour later of guilt later, we left the town and made our way back to the ship. "When are you guys going to take me back to Lothal?" I asked. The maldorien finally took her helmet off and said, "You've got a lot of questions". She had her hair dyed two different colors and had light brown eyes. "Can you answer the question?" I said. "I don't know," she replied, "probably after the mission".

   I stopped, "so you're telling me I'm not going back to Lothal until you're done with a mission," I said angrily. "Yep," the lasat said bored. I crossed my arms and kept following until we arrived back at the ship.


   So to wrap things up, I stole a cube and lightsaber. Then I figured out the crews names later on. The mission was a set up and Hera convinced me to warn the others that it was a trap. I got captured cause of everyone's favorite big and smelly lothcat gorilla, Zeb. I escaped thanks to onion heads intelligence. I thought the crew left me behind but they came back for me instead. They actually came back. I was shocked at first but then we escaped the empire.

   We all escaped with our heads and flew away. I found out about where they are keeping wookies and that's where we headed next. It was tough but everyone made it out safely. The crew dropped me off at my tower and I entered it. I took out the cube thing and scanned the item. I some how opened it in the cell when I was captured.

   I felt something and heard a soft whistle. "What's the force?" I asked ponytail, Kanan, who was standing at the doorway. "The force surrounds us, bonds us, keeping everything together and it is strong with you Ezra," Kanan said. Yeah, they also convinced me to tell them my name. Big shocker especially from me.

   Kanan continued, "I can train you in the ways of the light side of the force as a Jedi". "Aren't the Jedi dead" I stated. "Not all of them," he replied. "Now you can keep that halocroan as a dusty nick nack or you can return it and join the crew," he offered. Kanan left me to think.

   The door slid open the reveal Kanan and I walked in. He came towards me. I handed his lightsaber and halocroan back to him. He laid a hand on my shoulder and said, "Welcome to the crew Spector 6". I kept a blank face but nodded in approval.

   Crack! That's when I noticed my mask starting to crack. I still didn't trust them and my ways from before hasn't faded much. I'm an assassin, cold blooded and hearted, lone wolf, rule breaker. I am Ezra Bridger.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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