What's love?

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Sorry for not updating for a while. Also, theses ideas are from Crazyoceanlove and EmilyBray0. Enjoy!!!!


Kanan's P.O.V

Ezra has been sick with something for almost five days. I very stressful five days with Ezra unconscious and still a slim time until he wakes up. Whatever he had gave him a fever and sweats a lot, headaches, easily gets bruised, and lost all of his hair. Now, he's having trouble breathing so Hera put some tubes in his nose to get him hooked up to a machine. When she was done, Hera came over to me and squeezed my hand in comfort. "Kanan, I'm not sure what's wrong with him and we might have to-". I cut her off, "go to the doctors".

   I looked into her emerald eyes full of worry. I nodded my head in agreement, "But, we're going to have to be very careful". "I'll go set a course for the nearest Health Center (or hospital). Hera left, I had to stay in the med bay and watch Ezra so to pass the time, I sat on the floor, meditating.

*an hour later*

   The Ghost lurched forward, meaning that we left hyperspace. I stood up and walked over to Ezra. "Don't worry, you're going to be alright". I squeezed Ezra's hand and actually felt him squeeze back. I was shocked and saw his blue eyes looking weak and tired. Yet, he still pulled off a smile and said quietly but loud enough for my to hear him, "I know". I smiled and the door slid open revealing some medic people. They brought a gurney up next to the bed and gently picked up and set Ezra down on it. They wheeled him out of the room with me hot on their tail. I saw Hera, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper next to the ramp watching my padawan go into the Health Center. I stood next to them with worry settled in me but didn't show it. We all ran into the center, expect Chopper and was told to wait in the waiting room.

*two hours later*

I was getting tired of waiting and I could tell the others were too. Then a nurse walks up to us with a smile. "Are you Ezra's guardians?" She asked politely. Me and Hera stood up and I said, "Yes we are. How is he?". "He will be just fine," the nurse said. All of us signed in relief and Hera asked, "What was the illness that did this to him?". "He has leukemia cancer," she said, "you also can go see him if you want". She told us where his room was and we thanked her, then went to go see Ezra.

Hera stopped and said, "I'll be right back". She quickly dashed off without telling us what she was doing. "I wonder what Heras doing?" Zeb said curiously. Me and Sabine shrugged our shoulders and then we made it to the room. The door slid open and we saw Ezra laying there on a bed. He still had tubes in his nose and no hair. He was changed in a white gown and had a blanket draped up to his mid chest. He was awake with exhaustion in his eyes. Ezra noticed us and gave a weak smile.

We walked over and I stood next to the bed. Sabine pulled a chair up and Zeb stood off to the side. "Do you feel a little bit better than what you did before?" I asked. "Definitely," he said weakly and asked, "Where's Hera?". "She'll come in a little bit, don't worry," Sabine reassuringly. Ezra nodded and we all talked for a while until the door opened.

   I turned around to see if it was Hera or a nurse. It was neither, instead there was an imperial officer standing at the door. The three of us stood up and made sure to protect Ezra. "Settle down rebels," the officer said, "I just came to claim my nephew". We were shocked by this new information and I looked back to see Ezra scared of the officer. "What do ya mean?" Zeb huffed angrily.

   "I am Ezra's uncle," he said, "Ezra didn't tell you that I own him legally. That he ran away when I provided a roof over his head. Fed him, gave him proper care and he betrays me". I turned to my padawan and asked, "Is this true?". "Yes, he is my uncle," Ezra admitted, "but he lied about the rest". I nodded and turned back to the imperial, "You're not taking him". "Oh, but I can because I am legally his guardian when his parents died," he said wickedly. So Ezra's parents are dead. I looked back at Ezra again to see his eyes filled with tears. 'I guess he didn't know either,' I thought.

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