Below Zero

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SWRgirl requested that to do something similar of the chapter or one-shot, Cold. I'm not sure if this is going to be close or not but I hope you guys and gales ENJOY!!!!!!

Also, I posted a new book called Shadows of the Past.


Ezra's P.O.V

Me and Hera were assigned a mission but got off track when some TIEs saw us. I was sitting in the back of the Phantom, hanging onto the seat for dear life. We were passing Hoth until Hera went towards the planet. "Hera, what are you doing?" I asked as we entered the coldest planet in the galaxy.

"The snow will help us take cover," she said. The Phantom shook from blaster shots from the TIEs. Then it stopped and I assumed we lost them. "We lost them," I muttered. "Was there ever any doubt," Hera said and I could tell she was smirking. I was about to reply until a beeping noise made my jump a little.

"Hera," I said a bit worried as I saw the pilot frantically trying to find the problem. "Karabast," Hera muttered and I felt the ship free falling to the ground. "Brace yourself!" Hera yelled, "We're going to crash!" I didn't know it was possible but I held on tighter.

   We collided with the ground and I hit my head, blacking out in the process.

   "Ezra," someone's voice echoed far but sounded close. "Ezra," the voice was becoming more clear and so was my vision. I groaned when pain shot through my head. I looked over and saw Hera watching over me with worry. "Hera?" I rasped and coughed a little, "where are we?" "We're still in the Phantom," she answered.

   Then I noticed how dark and cold it was. "Why is it so dark and c-cold?" I asked. "The engines froze and we crashed on the side of a hill, starting an avalanche and now we are buried under the snow," Hera explained as calmly as possible but I could sense a little fear. I was a bit scared to then the feeling of the walls starting to close in happened.

   It was getting hard to breath for some reason. "Ezra, calm down, you're hyperventilating," Hera said and I evened out my breathing. "Good," she said and helped me sit up. Hera wrapped a blanket around me making me stop shivering. I felt bandages wrapped around my head and a headache form.

"Did you contact the others?" I asked. "Yeah but it's going to be awhile," she said rubbing her arms. I felt bad that she was getting cold and did a noble thing. I gave the blanket back to her and to my surprise, she took it. I thought she was going to argue with me but took the blanket instead.

That's when I realized something wrap around me. I did my best to see through the dark and saw that Hera put the blanket over both of us. We were so close that we might as well be cuddling. "D-Don't you t-think this is weird?" I asked her. "Well if it keeps us warm until the others arrive, then I don't mind," she said.

I nodded and started to doze off. Then I fell asleep, not realizing that my head was laying on Hera's shoulder.

Hera's P.O.V

   I was very shocked that Ezra actually took this snuggling thing in. He fell asleep with his head on my shoulder and leaned near me. I felt him nuzzle himself up to me for warmth. I smiled and repositioned myself so Ezra was wrapped in my arms. I laid my head on his and got us both comfortable.

I looked down at the boy's face and saw him smiling. I smiled and closed my eyes to get some sleep too.

Ezra's P.O.V

I woke up to something warm and calming embracing me. For a second, I thought that that the past eight years of living on the streets was a dream and cuddling with my mom in a dark room. Then when I looked up a little I saw Hera! I was wondering why she was showing this affection.

I knew that this wasn't an attempt to keep warm and I was about to get out of the embrace. I stopped myself when my childish side told me to not get out of the embrace. I was having a mental war with myself. Then I felt Hera stir in her sleep and making my head on her chest.

The war in my head stopped as the childish side won when Hera's heart beat soothed me. It felt odd getting this much affection when I was neglected from it over the years but it made me feel safe. I closed my eyes and savored this moment while it lasted.

   The Phantom's comm whistled to like and Kanan's voice came over, "Specter two and six, we're here and about to get you both out of the pickle you're in." I sighed and shook Hera awake. She opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. "Kanan's here," I said getting Hera's attention. She nodded, shrugging the blanket off and went over to reply to Kanan.

   "Ok Spector 1," she said. I heard a loud creek and looked over at the door being lifted open. I stood up, leaving the blanket on the seat when I saw Zeb holding the door up. "I heard someone needed a rescue party," Zeb said smirking. I rolled my eyes as the cold made me and Hera shiver.

   She grabbed the blanket putting over her shoulders then wrapped me up in her arms. Kanan came from around the corner with two coats. "Here, put these on," he said giving us the coats. We put them on and exited the Phantom.

   Zeb shut the door and we went back to the Ghost. Kanan closed the ramp and we took our coats off. "You two, off to the common room," Kanan ordered. "What about the Phantom?" I asked. "We'll get it later when it's not so cold out but right now, let's get you two warmed up," Kanan said. Me and Hera went to the common room and sat on the couch.

We were the only two in there and there was an awkward silence between us. "Hera?" I said looking over at her. "Yeah Ezra?" She said with her full attention on me. "Why were you hugging me?" I looked away and at the floor, "and don't say that it was to keep warm." Hera looked over at me, "You were the one that snuggled up to me."

   "Why would I do that?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "It shocked me too so I repositioned myself so we would both be comfy," she explained. I looked down and felt blood rush to my cheeks in embarrassment. "But, it seemed like you liked it.." She said. I moved uncomfortably on the couch when she said that. I didn't like it, I loved it.

   To get that motherly touch again felt amazing. I would never admit it though and something tells me that I didn't need to, she already figured it out. I felt Hera wrap her arms around me and said, "Ezra, if you really want a hug once in awhile, I will gladly offer it, if you really feel safe," she said. My breath caught my throat and tears formed in my eyes.

   I leaned into her touch and calmed down. "Thank you," I rasped out quietly and got out of her hug smiling. "No problem, Ezra," she said smiling and laid a hand on my shoulder.

   The door slid open to reveal Kanan with a tray with two mugs of hot chocolate. "I think this will warm you both up," he said handing us the mugs. "Thanks love," Hera thanked and so did I. We both sipped the cups and enjoyed each other's company. "So what did you two do while you were waiting for us?" Kanan asked.

   Me and Hera looked at each other and shrugged, saying in sync, "Nothing much." Kanan raised an eyebrow while me and Hera smiled in our cups.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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