Becky Jones

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Yellow!!! I got bored and couldn't think of anything so I wrote this. This is probably really bad so yeah😅! Please tell me something else I could do!!! Thanks and Enjoy!!!!


Ezra's P.O.V

The entire crew has been captured expect for me and I asked for help from the fleet. The person helping me was in some kind of bar that has a stage. I look around and saw a woman in her twenties sitting in a booth by herself. She wore black glasses and her hair was a curly mess. I walked over and sat down. "You must be the crew's youngest member," the woman said. I nodded, "I was told that you could help me find my friends".

She nodded, "the names Becky, Becky Jones". "Ezra, Ezra Bridger," I said, "now, what's the plan on saving my crew?". Becky looked out into the crowd of people, "there is a man that goes by the name J dog that has information on captured rebels and owes me". "Ok? Where is he?" I asked and tried to look for this weirdly named person. "Over there," Becky said pointing to a guy with facial hair and dark skin. We both stand up and walk to him.

"J dog!" Becky says with arms crossed and getting the man's attention. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the scruffy old lady that sits in dark lonely corners," he joked and his friends behind him laughed. But they were fake laughing? I could sense it through the force. "Well you owe this scruffy old lady some information or will that be to much to ask for someone who has a life the size of there ego," she replied. Becky then added, "short and bland after I'm done with you". People around us were evidently watching us because I heard a few 'ooo's' from around us.

J dog didn't look happy, "Are you challenging the greatest rapper to a rap battle?". Becky smirked and teased, "your just figuring that out". "It's on," J dog said and people started to clap and cheer. I was just standing here trying to figure out what just happened. Before I know it, Becky and J Dog were on the stage with microphones in there hands.

"Hey! It's J dog in the house!" J dog shouted, "Here we go! This lady right here is nutter than a nut. That the only thing that she knows what to do is get fired from jobs".

The crowd cheered and the battle continued.

"You think your so cool and bad. That these people here don't know that you still live with you mom and dad."

J dog seemed a little surprised and I snickered while the crowd kept cheering.

"At least I don't look like you, from something that came from a rats den. From which I wouldn't recommend but who cares about you anyway so get out and don't come back, cause I'm better at rap. Remember that". J dog dropped his mic and the crowd watched to see what was going to happen next.

"Oh really?" Becky said, "Let's see what your mother says when she finds you here and not at work instead. Flipping burgers, is that how you make your money?" J dog looked a little surprised.

Becky continued, "that's a little funny Now give my what you owe me before I call your mommy. And I leave I need to say....". Becky paused for a couple of seconds before saying, "I can rap better than you any day".

The crowd cheered for Becky and I saw J dog hand her a chip. Becky came back over to me and gave me the chip. "Go get your family kiddo," she said and walked off. "Hey Becky, thanks," I said. No reply. I shrugged my shoulders and went to go save the crew.


I hope you liked it!!! Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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