Be My Valentine...Again?

Start from the beginning

'That makes much more sense. You really put a lot of work into this didn't you?'

'Not really,' he shrugged, 'Do you honestly like it though?'

'It's beautiful. And these charms are so so thoughtful. It's the best present ever.' I told him, hugging him quickly. 'Now you open yours.' My eagerness to see his reaction had returned; once again he chuckled at my enthusiasm and picked up the half unwrapped box. He quickly discarded the rest of the paper and opened the box, much more eager now that I'd opened mine.

'Is this what I think it is?' he queried, pulling the topmost layer of tissue paper back to reveal a navy blue blazer.

'Maybe.' He took the blazer out of the box, a small smile playing on his lips as he took in the item of clothing that had once been worn daily. 'I had to get it altered a little so it'd still fit but it's the same one.'

'I thought these got thrown out?' he asked as he shrugged on the jacket.

'So did I but, when I went to Manish to ask if he'd be able to make me a replica, he said he didn't have the heart to get rid of all of them so he kept the three we used the most.' I reached out to fold his collar over, even though it hadn't really needed fixing, as I spoke, a habit from our days playing Rohan and Shanaya, when he always somehow got his collar messed up between the vanity and set.

'I never thought I'd see this thing again.' he told me, attempting to look himself over.

'I know it's kinda a lame present but I thought, memories and all...'

'It's not lame, it's brilliant. I love it.' he assured with a smile, moving to hug me.

I stopped him with a hand on his chest. 'Open the rest of your present first.'

'Rest of it?' he queried.

'Yes, rest of it. You didn't think I used that much tissue paper just for a blazer did you?' He shrugged and went back to the box, pulling back the next layer of paper and pulling out the colour stained shirt he'd worn for Badri ki Dulhunia.

'How did you know I wanted to keep this?'

'You kept going on about how cool it was and then you sulked for an hour when Karan said you weren't keeping it.' I stated, wondering how he'd thought I wouldn't notice.

'It is cool Alia, you can't deny that.' he defended.

'I'm not, just telling you how obvious you were being.'

'Just wondering, how badly would you kill me if I wore this and the blazer for promotions today?' he questioned, grinning cheekily.

'Well, personally, I'd love it but I don't think that'd go down well with the marketing team, considering we're not supposed to be promoting Student of the Year.' I teased.

'Shame. This blazer is actually really comfortable.'

'You used to constantly complain about it!'

'Yeah, but it's like wearing an old hoodie that was in the back of your cupboard. You don't realise you missed it till you have it again.' he reasoned.

'Interesting analogy. But I do get what you mean. We wore those things so much that they got more than a little annoying but they fit really well at the end of it.' I agreed. 'Now, stop talking and finish opening your present.'

'There's still more?'

'Did you not realise there's a movie missing?'


'Well, Student, Badri but there was something in the middle, genius.' I explained.

'What could you possibly have dug up from Humpty?' he asked, perplexed.

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