A Lifetime

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So, I've never really done this before, but I got a request for a Student of the Year one shot where Shanaya ends up with Rohan instead of Abhi. I'm going to try my best.

Shanaya P.O.V.

When we got done with college, Abhi asked me if we could move in together. I was hesitant, thought maybe it would be better if we didn't but he told me it was only to save us both the hassle of looking for places individually so I agreed.

For the first year or so, it was alright. We were still together, had managed to make it through all of college without many issues, and it was nice to not be living alone. After so many years of sharing a room, I don't think I could have managed to live by myself.

Things started to change after a while. It happened slowly, so slowly that I didn't really notice at first. By the time I realised that Abhi had completely changed, we'd been living together for two years. He'd quickly climbed through the ranks at the bank and he's still being put forward for more promotions. It went to his head, the fact that he's well on his way to being the person he's always wanted to be.

As long as I've known him, Abhi has said the person he wants to grow up to be is Ashok Nanda. I didn't think he meant exactly the same.

Despite everything that happened between me and Rohan, I still kept a look out for his name, still felt proud when I heard that he'd been signed by a record label. The day his first CD came out, I went and got a copy straight away. I ended up listening to the songs on repeat all day; it was still playing when Abhi got home. 'Is that a new CD?' he asked when he walked in the door.

'Uh, yeah. Came out today.' I answered, nodding.

'And you already have a copy? Impulse buy?'

'No, I went out to get it this morning. I've been listening to it all day.' I told him.

'You don't listen to songs on repeat, Shanaya.' he stated, looking at me quizzically. 'And you generally don't go out especially to buy a disc.'

'Yeah but it's Rohan's first CD and the songs are amazing.'

'Rohan's CD. As in Rohan Nanda?' he demanded.

'Of course Rohan Nanda. Why?'

'I can't believe you're listening to his music. After everything that happened between us, you went out specially to get his CD and you've been listening to it all day! Wow, Shanaya.' he scoffed.

'I don't care what happened! I knew him for ten years, of course I'm going to be proud that he's finally achieved his dreams. He had so many obstacles to face and he still made it, I'm damn happy for him.'

'After what he did to you, you're actually happy for him?' he queried

'What did he do to me? Did he go and kiss my best friend? No! That was me. He didn't do anything to me, that's not what your problem is. Your problem is that he's still managed to be successful even though he didn't go to college.' I snapped.

'Let's see how long this so called success lasts. Being a rockstar is a childish dream, it doesn't help you get by in the real world. Going to college, getting a degree and getting a real job is what lets you live in this world.' Abhi argued.

'It is a real job! It's not easy, making your own songs and singing them. And yeah, he's had this dream from childhood, but it's not childish. All Rohan has ever wanted to do is play music and that's what he's doing. It makes him happy, Abhi, that's what matters to him. That's what should matter to the people who care about him as well. His parents never understood that but I do, I always have.' I yelled at him, so pissed off that he would tell me I'm not allowed to listen to a CD just because of something that happened all those years ago.

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