Chapter Thirty-Nine: Bella's POV

Start from the beginning

"Hermione, I already told you, stop that," I tell her, firmly, "it's water under the bridge now."

"You forgive too easily." Hermione sighed again, shaking her head, "holding a grudge can be good for you, you know?"

"Really? Because that's the first time I've ever heard that." I retorted. She smiled at me, and then turned to Jacob. When she next spoke, her voice was low and threatening.

"If you dare say one lie to Bella, one omission, one guilt trip, anything, then I'm going to turn you into a frog and give you to Fleur. You might remember her as the hot French chick who helped fix you up. She happens to know the best frog's legs recipe." I blinked at Hermione's creative threat. Wow.

Jacob, looking suitably, nervous, nods at her, and she smiled a satisfied smile. "Good puppy. I'll be seeing you later." She said, and, before I could tell her off, she turned to me, and fixed me with a stern look that had me falling silent at once. "Bella?"

"Um, yeah?" I asked, nervous. Her expression softened.

"I love you." She saod, pulling me into a hug. "I'll be fifteen minutes. Stay safe. Promise me."

"I promise."

"Bye Hermione." Jacob attempted to smile at her. It's actually kind of funny. After she leaves we're both silent for a few minutes, before I finally speak up.

"So... how are you feeling?" I asked, and then I winced. Stupid question.

"Stoned." Jacob answered, his voice carefully polite, "whatever the French chick gave me, it worked."

"So you're not in pain?" I asked.

"No. At least I can't feel my injuries." He said quietly, and I bite my lip, looking down. Jacob sighed. "I'm sorry Bella, I didn't mean for that to come out."

"But it did. And it's the truth." I said, still looking down at my hands.

"Hey, Bells, look up," he said, gently, and I do. The sad look is gone from his face, instead his eyes are warm and his forehead is creased, like he's worried. "How about you? Are you okay?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned. I blink.

"Me?" I asked, incredulously. Maybe he is stoned. "Why?"

"Well, I mean, I was pretty sure he wouldn't actually hurt you, especially not with your crazy ass sister around, but I wasn't sure how bad it was going to be. I've been going a little crazy with worrying about you ever since you left. I wanted to ring you to ask, except I wasn't sure if you'd want to talk to me or not, and I didn't know if you were going to visit again. God, the suspense has been terrible. How did it go? Was he mean to you? I'm sorry if it was bad. I didn't mean for you to have to go through that alone, or anything-"

It took me a minute to figure out what Jacob was talking about, while he babbled on and on looking more and more awkward. I quickly interrupted his babbling to reassure him I was okay, while trying not to be too offended for Edward's sake.

"No, no Jake! I'm fine. Too fine, really. Of course he wasn't mean- I wish!" Jacob's eyes widened in what looked like horror.


"He wasn't even mad at me. He's so unselfish it makes me feel even worse. I wish he would have yelled at me or something. It's not like I don't deserve... well, much worse then getting yelled at. But he doesn't care. He just wants me to be happy."

"He wasn't mad?" Jacob asked, incredulous.

"No. He was... much too kind." I sighed. Jacob stared for another minute, and then he suddenly frowned.

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