Chapter Twenty-Three: Hermione's POV

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Hermione's POV:

I saw Bella's face pale as she realized where Jasper's story had been going. I was pretty sure my own face was a similar shade. "An army," Carlisle said, his eyes meeting Jasper's, "why didn't you tell us?"

"I thought I was interpreting the signs incorrectly." Jasper answered, "Because where is the motive? Why would someone create an army in Seattle? There is no history there, no vendetta. It makes no sense from a conquest standpoint, either, no one claims it. Nomads pass through, but there's no one to fight for it. No one to defend it from. But I've seen this before, and there's no other explanation. There is an army of newborn vampires in Seattle. Fewer then twenty, I'd guess. They are completely untrained, whoever made them just set them loose. It will only get worse."

A realization struck me, and I was surprised none of the others had thought of it yet. What threat was there in or near Seattle... except for the Cullens? I was about to speak up, voice my idea, when the others started speaking again, so I bit my tongue, waiting to see if someone else would come to the same conclusion as I had.

"What can we do?" Esme asked the others, looking distressed.

"If we want to avoid the Volturi's involvement, we will have to destroy the newborns and we will have to do it very soon." Carlisle spoke up, his face hard. Knowing how much he hated violence, I knew how much this evaluation must disturb him.

"I can teach you how," Jasper murmured, "It won't be easy in the city. The young ones aren't concerned about secrecy, but we will have to be. It will limit us in ways that they are not. Maybe we can lure them out."

I watched them deliberate, amazed that no one had voiced it yet. "I'm sorry," I said, directing all attention to me, "but I'm fairly certain you won't have to lure the newborns here." Eight sets of golden eyes turned to face me, as well as a set of chocolate brown ones, identical to my own.

"What do you mean?" Edward frowned.

"I mean, hasn't it occurred to any of you that the only possible threat in this area that could possibly call for the creation of a newborn army is this coven?" I explain, voice gentle but firm. Jasper narrows their eyes in deliberation, while Carlisle's and Esme's widened in surprise and shock.

"Tanya's family is also near," Esme said, her voice trembling, unwilling to accept my words.

"The newborns aren't ravaging Anchorage, Esme," Jasper told his adoptive 'mother' gently. "I think... I think Hermione is right. I think we have to consider the idea that we are the targets."

"They're not coming after us!" Alice insisted, and then she froze. "Or... they don't know they are. Not yet."

"Indecision." I whispered, turning to face my girlfriend. Her face was shocked, as she reached the same conclusion as I had.

"Someone who knows I can't see anything until the decision is made. Someone who is hiding from me, playing with the holes in my visions." She explained to the others, distressed. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her towards me. She rested her head against my chest, snuggling into the embrace.

"Who would know how to do that?" Esme asked, distressed. Edward turned to her, eyes hard as ice.

"Aro. He knows Alice as well as she knows herself." Aro... a member of the Volturi. I did an essay on the Volturi in History of Magic, once. Aro is one of the three founding parties, a 2000 year old vampire with a 'Gift' where with a single touch he can know someone's mind- every memory, every thought they ever had. And Aro had read Alice.

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