chapter 59

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Chapter 59

So, happy new year to everyone I hope you all have a great and wonderful new year well here is chapter 59 getting close to 60 everyone hope you enjoy it.

On the Air Patroller Ryder was on the bridge with Marshall when the notice came though about the forest fire.

Ryder "Hey isn't that the same forest Rocky and Aiko were going to, to meet Aiko's friend"?

Marshall "I believe so and that fire is growing bigger very quickly I hope Rocky is alright".

Ryder "So do I and I haven't been able to call him on his badge the smoke must be blocking the call dam it".

Marshall "Ryder we should get going then we have the equipment to stop the fire and that new tool Rocky just finished making for us should help a lot".

Ryder "Oh you mean the weather machine that can make it rain or sunny that's a great idea ok Robo dog take us up".

Robo dog started up the Air Patroller and took to the sky.

Meanwhile in the forest.

Rocky "Aiko are you sure you will be alright with all this smoke about I'm kinda worried"?

Smoke started to quickly fill the area they were in.

Aiko "Just keep moving to stay away from it."

Rocky "Well even though the fire can't get here the smoke can which still isn't really good for everyone we got to keep moving to that waterfall you talked about".

Aiko "That's what I said, we shall keep moving."

Rocky "Yer I was just agreeing with you" Rocky keeps following beside Aiko every now and then looking back at the smoke.

Aiko "Don't worry just keep walking, we are way too far of fire even smoke has a limit of distance."

Rocky "Ture it does which is great but smoke can go very far depends on the wind but we should be safe here".

Meanwhile the Air Patroller was flying over the fire and Marshall had turned on the weather machine which was making dark rain above the fire.

Rocky "Hey look rain clouds that's a great sign".

Aiko "For the situation but not for us."

Rocky "What why oh rain forest oh my if it rains heavy we will get flooded".

Aiko "Not that. I mean with health issues."

Rocky "What do you mean health issues oh you mean your friend and that it will become cold"? Rocky looked at Aiko confused.

Aiko "I mean cold and sickness. Let's move faster."

Rocky "Oh right and if we get wet in the cold it will make it a lot worse oh my we can't have you getting sick at all we have to find a place to rest and hide from the rain love".

Aiko "I know that. That's why we have to pick up the pace we are close."

Rocky kept following Aiko "Ok then let's get to this place quickly".

The dark clouds covered the whole of the fire area as it started to rain.

Rocky "Oh here it comes".

Aiko "There it is."

Rocky "Quickly let's get moving".

Aiko was already near the waterfall.

Rocky followed as the rain started to become heavy.

Rocky "Well here comes the heavy rain I hope this stops that fire".

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