chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Ok hope you all liked the last chapter here is chapter 46 please can more people review I know not everyone is lazy as hell.

After a while of being at the place where she use to live Rose turned to Zuma.

Rose "Let's go home my love I can't be here right now".

Zuma hugged Rose and nodded "Ok then let's go".

Zuma and Rose got in his hovercraft and were driving off as a car drove past them.

"Mummy that was Zuma and the new pup from the Paw Patrol"!

"what oh wow they must already be in Gosford for the show".

The car pulled up outside the place as a little girl and her mum got out of the car and stood at the stone looking at it.

"Mummy what's sis doing right now"?

"I don't know dear but I hope she is happy wherever she is".

Meanwhile back on the Sky Patroller.

Rocky slowly started to wake up next to Aiko he turned his head and looked at her and said softly "wow she is so cute".

She yawned and covered her eyes.

Rocky nuzzled her as he then turned and saw Katie with Everest and a bleeding paw "Hey you two what happen"?

Both Katie and Everest looked at Rocky.

Everest "Oh hey Rocky was trying not to wake ow".

Katie "Sorry girl trying to make it hurt as less as I can".

Everest had tears running down her face "I know Katie and Rocky I fell and cut my paw and leg open".

Rocky "Ow dam that's not good".

Aiko spread her good legs and started to wake up.

Rocky looked at Aiko "hello sleepy head sleep well"?

Katie closed the cloth around Everest and kept working on her.

Aiko "Yeah. I could hear your heartbeat every time."

Rocky blushed deeply "I could hear yours as well Aiko it sounded lovely".

Aiko " Aww how sweet of you." She put her paw on his face kindly.

Rocky smiled and nuzzled the paw as he gently held it against his face "Your paw feels so soft and warm".

Aiko "They say I am a fluffy Golden Retriever. Usually my neighbor did."

Rocky "cool they I was told by Ryder that I'm a mix breed so don't know what that means but I like who I am and I love you for who you are Aiko" Rocky put his paw on Aiko's face.

Aiko "Actually my fluff comes when I sleep. Don't know why? But it keeps me warm when it's cold."

Rocky felt her face more "you are very soft Aiko and now you have a pup who loves you so you will never be with a bad owner ever again" Rocky got closer to Aiko licked the side of her face and nuzzled her.

Aiko " Thanks, you know I bet this bang is covering a bit of my eyes. I have such a long fur on the head. Now you see they never groomed me."

Rocky saw "wow well that will change Katie our vet is also a very great animal groomer she will get you looking stunning once she is able to" he kissed her on the side of her face.

Aiko "Aww come on, its me." She kissed him in the lips.

Rocky blushed more but kissed Aiko back slowly pushing his tongue into her mouth.

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