chapter 30

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Chapter 30

As everyone else was having fun and had no idea of what was going on. The whole Sky Patroller suddenly went into lock down and every door closed and locked itself.

This locked Rocky and Rubble in the pool room Ryder and Katie in the living room and Rose, Lee and Wendy in their bedroom.

Ryder "What's going why have we gone into lockdown" Ryder tried to open the doors but couldn't.

Katie "Ryder are we going to be ok"? Katie asked worried.

Ryder "I don't know Katie honestly I need to know what's happening to have made the ship go into lockdown".

Meanwhile in the pool room.

Rocky noticed the door shutting and tried to open it as well but failed "What is going on why has the lockdown come on"?

Rubble was asleep on his pool bed.

Meanwhile with Rose, Lee and Wendy.

Rose was still feeding Lee and Wendy. She had no idea what was going on as her door was already locked.

Rose "I wonder what is taking Zuma so long".

Meanwhile on the bridge.

With Marshall and Zuma tired up against the wall and Everest tired up to Ryder's chair. The boss of the bad guys was keeping her close in case anyone tried anything. He would then pick her up and threaten her life if anyone did try something.

Marshall "Zuma I'm scared" Marshall said quietly.

Zuma "It's ok Marshall I'm scared as well but I know things will be alright".

One of the bad guys walked over and pushed Zuma in the face.


Zuma yelped and started bleeding from his mouth.

? "Now if you talk again my friend here may just hurt this pregnant bitch and I'm sure neither of you want her or the pups inside her to get hurt".

Zuma and Marshall both lowered their heads as tears ran down Marshall's face.

? "good now let's take this ship for a ride" the person sat in Ryder's chair which Everest was tired to and looked for a takeoff button.

Meanwhile Chase and Skye had just gotten back into the hanger when all the doors shut and locked themselves.

Chase "Oh this isn't good".

Skye "What's going on Chase why are the doors not opening"? Skye was worried.

Chase nuzzled Skye "It will be ok Skye we will get out of here".

Skye smiled and nuzzled Chase back then licked his ear "Well since we are in here all alone how about we have lots of fun and mate in here"

Chase Smiled as him and Skye started having fun with each other.

Meanwhile Ryder and Katie were trying to find a way to get out of the living and kitchen area so they could find out what was going on.

Ryder "there has to be a way out of here we need to find out what's going on".

Katie "Ryder you built this ship didn't you build like vents or something"?

Ryder "Rocky and I did put vents in but we can't remember where we put them they are very high tech vents".

Katie "Well dam so how are we going to get out can you call any of the pups"?

Ryder sighed "Sadly I left my pup pad in my room dam it".

Meanwhile back on the bridge.

? "Where is the god dam fucking button to make this fucking thing fly come ON"!

All three of the people were looking around the bridge trying to find the takeoff button.

Suddenly the biggest man picked up Everest by her collar and smashed her body belly first into a wall.

? "Tell me where the fucking takeoff button is right now bitch or else".

Everest yelped and cried "I don't know where it is".

The man hit Everest against the wall again making her yelp again.

? "Don't lie to me bitch now tell me where the fuck the button is right now"!

Everest cried "I'm not lying I don't know where the button is".

? looked into Everest's eyes before throwing you onto the ground and kicking her just above the belly into the chair she was tired up to.

Everest yelped loudly before passing out from a massive amount of pain.

Marshall tried to break free "EVEREST NO"! tears fall from Marshall's eyes as he looked at his hurt pregnant mate.

? "such a fucking bitch not telling me where the god dam fucking button is".

The big guy then looked at Marshall and had an idea. The guy walked over to Marshall and pulled out a gun and pointed it at Marshall's back right leg.

? "Ok you fucking mutt you tell me where the button is or I will shoot your legs one at a time".

Marshall "No there is no way is hell I'm helping you".


Marshall yelped loudly in pain as he was shot in the back right leg.

? "Now you will help me or you will be shot in the left leg".

Marshall looked at the person "I will never help you steel our ship you can hurt me all you like I will never help you"!

? smiled.


Marshall yelped even more loudly as he was shot in he left back leg and front right leg.

Marshall was losing blood very fast and could feel himself getting weaker and weaker by the minute.

Zuma "Hang in their Marshall you will be ok".

? walked over and hit Zuma in the face with his gun knocking him out.

? "we will find that button no matter what"!

When Zuma was knocked out Rose felt something was wrong.



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