chapter 48

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Chapter 48 Gosford show part 1

Ok so this is part one of 4 for the Gosford show chapters I hope you all enjoy the first part is Rose and Zuma and this is most likely the part that everyone has been waiting for.

After dinner Rose and Zuma went to their bedroom and went to sleep as the small family slept together. Rose nuzzled and kissed Lee and Wendy on their heads as they slept "I love you all so much" after Rose drifted off to sleep.

While Rose was sleeping she heard something in her head "something bad will happen soon Rose and you will need to be strong to help those you hold close as something massive will fall from the sky and risk the life's of everyone you love" the voice stopped as Rose slept soundly for the rest of the night.

In the morning Rose, Zuma, Wendy and Lee were up early as the time was 7am and the show opened at 9am. Rose, Zuma, Wendy and Lee all went to the lounge room after Rose fed Wendy and Lee. As they walked into the lounge room Ryder was their making breakfast for the two of them.

Ryder "Morning you four".

Rose and Zuma "Morning Ryder" Wendy and Lee just looked at Ryder without saying anything.

Ryder "So breakfast this morning is pancakes your fav I believe Zuma and Rose".

Rose and Zuma both licked their muzzles "yum pancakes".

As they went to their bowls and waited for their breakfast Rose started thinking about stuff then looked at Ryder.

Rose "Hey Ryder do we know anything about this family that wants to take a photo with me and Zuma"?

Ryder smiled "Well, Rose I'm very should that they are your family since I was told they lost a teenage girl not too long ago in a house fire that loved Paw Patrol".

Rose's eye opened wide "Really it's them oh my that's amazing I can't believe I'm finely going to be seeing my family again".

Zuma smiled "that's great news Rose I'm so happy for you".

The two hugged as Wendy and Lee were getting patted by Ryder as he smiled.

Ryder "So after breakfast which is done now" Ryder gave both Zuma and Rose their pancakes and let them eat.

Rose and Zuma both were given 5 pancakes each which they finished quickly then looked at Ryder.

Rose "So Ryder you were saying something about today"?

Ryder "Oh right after breakfast you two need to take Wendy and Lee to Everest and Marshall who will be minding them for the day while you two are with me".

Rose and Zuma nodded.

Rose "Ok so she can feed them milk and stuff that's good I don't need to worry then" Rose smiled.

Ryder giggled "Yer you don't need to worry at all anyway after that we will be leaving the Sky Patroller and just going outside the family should be out their waiting for us at about 845am they are getting let in early to take the photos with us".

Rose and Zuma smiled and nodded.

Zuma "So Ryder why just us don't they want a photo with the whole team"?

Ryder "That's a good question Zuma but they only asked for a photo with you and Rose I don't know why".

Rose giggled "I bet I know why".

Zuma and Ryder looked at Rose.

Rose "They knew I loved you Zuma and they want a photo of you to put up on a wall or something to remember me by".

Zuma "Oh that's cool ok then".

Ryder "yer so you two finished let's go its nearly time".

Rose and Zuma nodded as they took Wendy and Lee to Everest and Marshall's room then went to meet Ryder outside.

As they got outside the side of the Sky Patroller and stood next to Ryder.

Rose "So where are they Ryder"?

Ryder looked at his watch "They should be here in about 5 minutes Rose".

Rose "Ok".

5 minutes later a car pulled up and four people got out two males and two females. Rose saw them and smiled as she saw her mum, dad, brother and sister get out of the car.

Rose "It is them Ryder".

Ryder smiled and walked up to them "Hello".

Jenny "Hello Ryder I'm Jenny this is Lilly, Dan and my husband Tim its very nice to meet you and thank you for saying yes to letting us have a photo with Zuma and your new pup".

Ryder smiled "No problem at all Jenny it's nice to meet you all" Ryder looked at Zuma and Rose.

As Rose and Zuma saw Ryder look at them they both went over to him and stood next to him again.

Zuma looked at the family "Hello I'm Zuma nice to meet you all".

Rose just looked at them before softly saying "Hello".

The whole family looked at Zuma and Rose as they looked at Rose they all looked very shocked.

Ryder "Is something wrong"?

Lilly "It's the same pup that sis wrote about in her stories".

Jenny "Our other girl we lost her in a house fire not too long ago and she love Zuma and the whole Paw Patrol and she wrote stories and made her own pup and put her into her stories".

Ryder "That's cool and sorry for your loss so would you like to have the photos now"?

The whole family nodded as Rose and Zuma sat next to each other with Lilly beside Rose and Dan beside Zuma Jenny and Tim stood behind them as Ryder took the photo. Lilly then started to pat Rose and gave her a belly rub which Rose loved and started giggling.

Rose "oh that tickles so much oh Lil" Rose then knew what she said and put her paws over her muzzle.

Lilly stopped and backed away from Rose and ran to her mum "Mum that pup just called me".

Jenny "I heard what it called you" she looked at Rose "What did you call my little girl Lil for pup"?

Rose sighed "Because I'm her sister I'm your girl the one you lost mum".

Jenny looked at the pup "no you're not don't lie about that sort of thing"!

Lilly started to cry.

Rose "I can prove its me remember that time you got me that gift for my 8th birthday and I hated it but when you gave it to me I didn't say anything I told you that two months after my birthday and you just hugged me and kissed me on the forehead".

The whole family was shocked when they all heard the pup say that and they knew it was true because that did happen.

Jenny "But you can't be Rose you may have the same name but she did die".

Rose "That's a long story".

Lilly "If it's really you sis what was my fav toy I kept on stealing from your room"?

Rose smiled and giggled "Oh that's easy you kept on taking my big teddy bear that I had in my room and made him have tea parties with you and your dolls".

The whole family was now even more shocked.

Rose looked at them then sighed "It's ok if you don't believe me I'm just happy your all safe" she ran back into the Sky Patroller crying running right past Sky and Chase. She went into her room onto her bed and cried.


Ok so I hope you all enjoyed that yes another short chapter but it was ok I think tell me what you think and hope you all will enjoy the next one which will be Everest and Marshall or Chase and Skye I don't know yet LPP OVER AND OUT.

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