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Ok so I got a lot of questions from chapter 4 and people wondering if Rose loves Zuma or Marshall now I can tell you all this question will be answered in this chapter keep on reading my stories and review please I love reading reviews.

That morning Katie woke up at 9am, she had slept in a chair in front of Rose who was still asleep.

Katie: "O that was the worst morning sleep I have ever had in my life".

Katie looked at the sleeping Rose who was on the other chair that Katie had put her on the day before. Rose was sleeping, on the outside it looked like she wasn't in pain but on the inside she was in so much pain.

Rose was thinking to herself: "Dam it maybe I should just heal myself and stop this pain".

Suddenly the heart monitor that Katie had put on Rose started going off. Katie jumped to her feet and went to check what was wrong? As Katie looked at the monitor Katie was shocked to see Rose's stats were dropping fast at this rate Rose would be dead in less than a minute unless Katie could do something to save Rose's life.


Rose could feel her life fading away quickly at this rate she would die again.


Katie was running around the shop trying to find something that would help Rose not noticing that her phone was ringing Ryder was trying to call her. Suddenly Rose's monitor stopped making noise Katie ran back to Rose's side only to see Rose standing on all 4 paws.

Katie saw that the monitor was taken off Rose's leg and the IV that Katie had put in was no longer in her either but most surprising was that the bandage and cast around Rose's once broken leg and paw was gone.

Katie: "Rose how are you"?

Rose turned around to face Katie: "O Katie I'm not normal".

Katie: "Not normal what do you mean Rose"?

Rose: "I have powers and can heal myself and do some other things the only reason I didn't heal before now was because I wanted to try be a normal pup but I guess that's out the window now". Rose started to cry softly.

Katie walked over and started patting Rose: "It's ok Rose you're a good pup".

Rose still crying: "Thank you Katie you're a great friend to have".

Katie picked Rose up in her arms and hugged the crying pup while softly patting her to claim down. Katie then walked out to the front part of her shop still hugging Rose, Katie sat in her chair at the counter and just patted Rose non-stop. Suddenly the shops doors opened and Ryder, Marshall and Zuma walked in.

Ryder: "Katie is everything ok you didn't answer your phone"?

Katie then looked at her phone 20 missed calls from Ryder: "Wow sorry Ryder it's been a busy morning why what's up"?

Zuma saw Rose being hugged by Katie: "Katie is Rose ok"?

Katie looked at Rose: "Yes Zuma she is ok".

Rose turned to see Ryder, Zuma and Marshall at the door Zuma was looking right at her, Rose looked right into Zuma's eyes just like the white being told her to. Rose could see that Zuma had feelings for her his eyes were locked on Rose and nothing else.

Rose: "Hi everyone I'm good".

Ryder, Marshall and Zuma all looked at Rose and noticed that she no longer had her cast on her broken leg.

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