Chapter 15 what's wrong

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Zuma was lying next to Rose as she was still passed out from what happen at the Zoo earlier that day.

Zuma: "Maybe she can't handle big large crowds of people like the rest of us can so your body shuts down dam maybe it's something I better talk to Ryder about who knows maybe we can help her overcome it".

Zuma kept watching his love as she lied on the bed.

Zuma: "She is so cute when she is like this I'm so lucky to have her as a girlfriend".

Meanwhile in the lounge room Chase and Marshall were talking.

Chase: "Hey Marshall you love Everest don't you"?

Marshall: "Yes I do just like you love Skye".

Chase: "Yer I do and I'm going to tell her today I so am".

Marshall: "Ok then when you tell Skye I will tell Everest then".

Chase: "Ok then I'm doing it at dinner".

Marshall nodded.

Skye was just about to walk into the lounge room when she overheard everything Marshall and Chase were saying.

Skye: "O my god Chase loves me o my god". Skye also heard that Marshall loved Everest and right away ran to find and tell Everest.

Everest was relaxing on a chair in the pool room slowly falling asleep as Skye ran in to the room and right up to her.

Everest: "Hey Skye what's up"?

Skye had to get her breath back: "Everest I have to tell you something".

Everest looked at Skye: "What is it"?

Skye: "Chase loves me".

Everest: 'What he told you"?

Skye: "NO I overheard Chase and Marshall talking in the lounge and he said he is going to tell me tonight at dinner also I heard Marshall say he loves you as well".

Everest: "Wait what"?

Skye: "Yer he said he would tell you after Chase told me that he loves me".

Everest: "Wow so then what should we do now that we know"?

Skye: "I don't know but I love Chase and you love Marshall so I honestly can't wait for him to tell me that he loves me".

Everest: "And I can't wait for Marshall to tell me, o my god I'm so happy".

So Skye took the chair next to Everest as they talked about what they were going to now that they knew that the boys loved them.

Meanwhile back with Zuma and Rose in their room.

Zuma was still watching over Rose.

Rose moaned.

Zuma licked Rose's face right away: "Rose your safe now I'm the only one here with you please wake up".

Rose: "Zuma"?

Zuma: "ROSE your awake how do you feel"?

Rose: "Abit weak and very tried but I could so go for some water right now".

Zuma right away got off the bed went and got some water for Rose and bought it back for her to have a drink with a straw in it. Rose started to drink from the straw that Zuma bought her in the bowl of water.

Rose: "Thank you Zuma that was nice".

Zuma: "No problem Rose I will be here with you in case you need anything while you get better".

Rose smiled: "Thank you Zuma you're a great pup to have as a boyfriend I love you".

Zuma's face turned red "Thank Rose I love you to".

Zuma kissed Rose as Rose kissed Zuma back they both enjoyed the moment together.

An hour later it was time for dinner and everyone was in the lounge room waiting for Ryder to dish out dinner.

As Ryder dished out dinner for every pup Chase and Marshall where getting ready to tell the girls that they loved them.

As the pups ate their dinner Chase was building up the courage to tell Skye that he loved her. The pups had finished their dinner and Skye and Everest were waiting for the boys to tell them.

Chase: "Skye I have something to tell you".

Everyone looked at Chase.

Skye: "Yes Chase"?

Chase: "I, I love you Skye and would like to be with you forever".

Skye smile and jump onto Chase knocking him over and kissing him right on the lips "Yes Chase I love you as well and would love to be your mate".

Chase kissed Skye back as they both enjoyed they moment and the start of their relationship.

Marshall now looked at Everest: "Everest I love you will you please be my mate forever more".

Everest: "YES, YES I will Marshall I love you so much" Everest jumped on Marshall knocking him over and kissing him on the lips as Marshall kissed back as the start of another new relationship started.

Ryder: "Great job you four I wish you all the best of luck with your new mates".

Zuma: "Chase you and Skye make a great couple same with you and Everest Marshall".

Rose: "I agree may you all live happily together".

Chase and Skye went off to their room now as Marshall and Everest went off to their room for what no one knew.

Ryder: "It took them long enough to tell each other that they loved one another".

Rose: "Indeed ok then I'm going back to the room to lay down and to get some more rest".

Zuma: "I'm coming with you Rose".

Ryder: "Ok have a good rest Rose".

Rose: "Thanks Ryder I will".

Rose and Zuma went off to their room as Rose could have a lay down and get more rest.

As Rose and Zuma both Slept.

Max: "I have to find a way to get back to my world somehow someway".


Hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter I know its short but I couldn't really think of anything else for this chapter so sorry. LPP OVER AND OUT WOOF.

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