chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Oh I also feel like saying this there are now three writers out there trying to destroy me and stop people reading my stories to these three people that use to be friends I say this I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU DO I'M LEAVING FINFICTION FOREVER AFTER LIFELINE IS COMPLETE its very sad to know what people who say your there best friend will do to you and how fast they will leave you and tell you to fuck off as soon as someone else tells them to just goes to show they won't true friend in the first place and I could right now say I have nearly given up on life and friendship itself.

I wish more people would review and ask things maybe my stories are no longer good enough for people to review them sadly well onto the chapter.

Meanwhile with Rose, Rocky and the guy.

??? looked at Rose "What the fuck are you"?

Rose giggled while looking at the man "I'm the newest member of the Paw Patrol and will protect them with everything I have" Rose then used her powers and pushed the man up against a wall.

Rocky "Well you're in for it now bro".

??? "I don't care what you do to me you dam mutt I will never tell you anything".

Meanwhile on the bridge.

Zuma, Marshall and Everest were all passed out as the big boss man pushed THE BIG RED BUTTON.

? "Now we will be able to fly and take this ship where ever we want to take it".

Back with Rose, Rocky and the man.

Rose and Rocky suddenly felt the ship start up.

Rocky "Oh no Rose that's not good".

Rose sighed "dam it they found the button that starts the ship and makes it take off this isn't good".

??? laughed "Now you will never stop our plans".

Rose used her powers and tired the guy up and put tap over his mouth then put him to sleep.

Rocky "Well at least you didn't kill him".

Rose "Yer well we better hurry to the bridge and stop whatever these guys are planning and fast".

Rocky "Got it lets go".

Rocky and Rose started running towards the bridge.

Meanwhile the Sky Patroller had taken to the skies just above the city.

? "NOW WE WILL SEE HOW THIS BABY FLY'S" the man set the ship to fly to Sydney and into the harbour bridge destroying both the ship and the bridge.

?? "This plan is amazing boss great thinking".

? "Thanks but I'm so going to enjoy this then after we finish we will kill all the people and pups on this god dam ship".

Both the men smiled and giggled.

The Sky Patroller was flying towards Sydney very fast and would only take an hour at this speed to get to Sydney.

Meanwhile with Ryder and Katie in the dining room and kitchen.

Ryder "Ok then I found the vent Katie I just need your help to move this oven out of the way".

Katie "Ok Ryder coming".

Katie ran over to Ryder and helped him move the oven out of the way which revealed the vent. Ryder then undid the vent and took the cover off.

Ryder looked at Katie "Ok we have to get going Katie who ever has done this has found the startup button for the ship and I would say we are going max speed somewhere we must hurry".

Katie nodded "Ok lead the way Ryder".

Katie followed Ryder into the vent and though the small area.

Meanwhile the Sky Patroller was now only 30 minutes away from Sydney.

Rocky and Rose were running towards the bridge and soon came to the metal door that led to the bridge.

Rocky looked at the door "Well Rose I don't know if I can open this one Ryder made this door himself I didn't see any of the specs for it sorry" Rocky lowered his head.

Rose sighed "It's ok Rocky I will get it open don't worry about it" Rose walked up to the door and pushed it once very hard.

? turned around "What was that something hit the door hey you go check it out".

?? "Yes boss right away" the man walked over to the door "Hey who's their say now"!

Rose "Your worst enemy and the one you never knew was on the team" Rose pushed the door harder and cracked it.

?? ran back to his boss "Hey boss is there a pup we don't know about"?

? "No why unless that fucking pregnant bitch was not lying quick being me that pregnant bitch right now and you hold that fucking lab and hold your gun to his head".

?? "Yes boss" the man picked up Zuma and held him tight with a gun to his head.

The big boss man held a passed out very pregnant Everest with a gun to her head.

Rose kept pushing the door and cracking it more and more with every push.

Meanwhile in the pool room Rubble was still asleep on his pool bed.

Meanwhile in the hanger area Chase and Skye were still Mating and having some very loving private time and fun together.

Meanwhile in the vents with Ryder and Katie.

Ryder was going as fast as he could though the vents with Katie following close behind him.

Ryder suddenly came to an opening "Ok sweet we are just above the hallway near the gym let's get down here the bridge is close by".

Katie nodded "Ok but Ryder want to tell you something before we get down" Katie face was completely red.

Ryder turned and faced Katie "Yes Katie"?

Katie "Ryder I love you" Katie suddenly Kissed Ryder on the lips.

Ryder was a bit shocked but happily kissed back and when they finely broke the kiss "Katie I love you as well".

Katie smiled "That's great to hear I was so worried you wouldn't love me the same way I love you but now I'm so happy you do".

Ryder and Katie kissed deeply before getting out of the vent. As Ryder and Katie stood in the hallway they were both very worried.

Meanwhile on the bridge.

The two man held Zuma and Everest with guns to their heads. Rose pushed the door one last time as hard as she could and broke down the door.

Rose and Rocky ran onto the bridge.


Rose and Rocky both stopped after seeing the two man holding Zuma and Everest.



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