Chapter 7 entering Australian Air Space

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No notes just read and review hope you enjoy.

Zuma and Rose lied on the bed close together hugging each other as they both fell asleep with each other's paws over one and other.

Meanwhile the white being was watching Rose and Zuma sleep.

Being: "I think it's time I bought in another pup to watch over Rose and help her in times of need I think Silvex well be a good pup to watch over Rose".

The white being used his power to summon Silvex to a white room.

Silvex opened his eyes.

Silvex: "Who hath summoned me?"

The white being appeared in front of Silvex.

"Hello Silvex we haven't meant before but I have not summoned you to hurt you as you are a gatekeeper and a friendly pup I have a favor to ask you".

Silvex: "True, I am Gatekeeper Silvex, I help where ever I am needed. What is this favor you ask me of?"

"Right so I know you know a pup named Max the pup of light with powers right"?

Silvex: "Yes, me and Max are close friends. I see into his future, he has a great destiny ahead of him. He is indeed, the pup of pure light."

God: "Right first off sorry I'm the god of this world and Max's world and the favor I have is that I have a pup a world she has powers and is still learning how to use them I would like you to watch over her and help her if you can please"

A big ball appeared in front of Silvex the ball showed Rose and Zuma sleeping together.

God: "You know Zuma the pup he is with is Rose a young female pup she is the one I would like you to watch over and help".

Silvex bowed.

Silvex; "It is an honor to meet you, and I would be more than happy to help,"

God: "So right now she is very weak as she nearly drowned which is why I'm asking you to watch over her and help her and just to let you know Rose wasn't always a pup".

Silvex: "Yes I know. Gatekeepers aren't clueless, especially if it's their job to watch over other worlds,"

God: "Right so you know what she has been though then and thank you for saying you will help her there is a time fast coming that she will need a lot of help I have seen two futures for her one she lives the other she dies for good".

Silvex: "Well then, let's see these vision, shall we?"

The white floor turned into a city Silvex was in the air with a white ball.

God: "Now this is the vision where she lives".

The Sky Patroller was above the city and two tornados were heading for the city from the sea as Rose took off from the Sky patroller and went right towards the tornados.

Silvex watched carefully.

God: "Rose stops the tornados in this vision then returns to the Sky Patroller as they head off to Sydney that is where the other vision happens".

The vision goes as God said it would Rose stopped the tornados and returned to the Sky Patroller. The floor then changed to another city with a big tower which was on fire as the Sky Patroller approached Rose and Skye left the Patroller and headed to help.

God: "This gets very bad soon".

Silvex could feel Shadex trying to join him, but the light energy God was giving off would burn him.

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