Chapter 10 Sydney and the big job

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Ok so I hope everyone enjoyed last chapter thanks for the reviews as most of you can see I'm making some chapters shorter that way the story goes on longer and has more chapters so thanks for reading.

Rose was sleeping soundly right next to Zuma who was awake and watching her sleep. Zuma put his paw on Rose's head to feel her temperature.

Zuma: "Wow that's great you're not hot at all anymore I got to call Katie".

Zuma called Katie.

Zuma: "Katie come in".

Katie answered her phone: "Yes Zuma I'm here what's wrong has something happen with Rose"?

Zuma: "Yes come quickly".

Katie ended the call and ran to the room as she entered "ZUMA WHATS WRONG"?

Zuma: "Nothing's wrong but Katie feel Rose's temperature now".

Katie walked up to Rose and put her hand on Rose's head "Wow her temperature is back to normal that's great how has she been feeling"?

Zuma: "I don't know she hasn't woken up since she fell asleep when you left".

Katie: "Rose wake up wake up Rose".

Rose moaned and slowly opened her eyes to see Zuma and Katie looking at her.

Rose said softly: "Hey you two what's up"?

Zuma: "O Rose I'm so happy that you're awake".

Katie: "Rose how do you feel right now"?

Rose: "Weak but I don't feel as sick as I did before so that's a good thing I guess".

Katie: "You need some more rest and it's very good that you don't feel as sick as before you came close to nearly dying Rose but that's all in the past now by the way we will be in Sydney in about 20 minutes".

Rose: "That's great news I can't wait to see Sydney again HEAL" Rose started glowing green suddenly.

Zuma: "Rose what's happening"?

Rose: "I'm trying to heal myself".

5 minutes later Rose stopped glowing and looked at Zuma and Katie: "Ok I feel about 70% better now still abit unwell but I'm sure that will pass soon and I don't feel weak anymore".

Katie: "That's great news Rose see if you can stand".

Rose stood up on the bed on all 4 paws and jumped off the bed and onto the floor as Zuma ran to her side just in time to stop her falling over onto her side.

Zuma: "I got you".

Rose licked Zuma's face: "Thanks Zuma".

Katie: "Rose do you want me to carry you to the bridge or somewhere"?

Rose: "No thank you Katie I think I will walk I got to get use to walking again after lying down for so long".

Zuma: "I will help you".

Rose started to walk with Zuma by her side every step of the way whenever she was going to fall over Zuma went to that side and stopped her from falling.

A few minutes later Rose and Zuma walked onto the bridge and saw Ryder in his chair.

Zuma: "Hey Ryder look who's up and about".

Ryder turned to see Zuma and Rose.

Ryder: "Wow good to see you up and about Rose how are you feeling"?

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