chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Meanwhile somewhere unknown.

Rose woke up on a beach with white sand and cram clear water.

Rose looked around in front of her was just some sand then lots of water and behind was just white sand "What where am I"?

Rose didn't hear a response or anything but the wind that gently blew.

Rose started walking along the water to see if she could find something or someone. Rose walked for what seemed like hours and hours on end. After walking for god knows how long Rose finely stopped and looked around.

Rose "oh my why does everything look the same"?

"Because Rose this is my realm".

Rose looked around "What who are you"?

"I'm the one who gave you a second chance and the powers".

Rose sat on the sand "Oh right so does that mean I'm dead"?

The voice laughed "Oh Rose you're not dead I'm just keeping you knocked out so we can have a talk".

Rose was shocked and surprised at this "Oh ok then so what you want to talk about"?

Voice "Well let's see we do have a lot of things to talk about while your body recovers in the real world".

Rose lied down on the white sand and watched the sea as she listened to the voice.

Voice "So Rose why do you think you're here"?

Rose "Well at first I thought I had died but now I guess I used up all my power stopping the Sky Patroller and passed out then fell into the water".

Voice "Yer you did use up nearly all the power I gave you stopping that thing but you did it to save people which is what I gave you the power to do so I'm very happy that I gave the powers to the right pup good job".

Rose sighed.

Voice "What's wrong something troubling you"?

Rose "Well I believe I misused them" tears rolled down Rose's face.

Voice "misused them and how do you think you have misused your powers Rose"?

Rose "I got mad and hurt them people".

Voice "Oh Rose yes you hurt them but you stopped them from hurting anyone else if I thought you had done something very bad that I didn't approve of I would take away your powers well first I would tell you before I did it but yer".

Rose "Oh ok then but I passed out after saving the sky patroller I'm not strong enough I need more power so I can help more".

Voice "Oh Rose you don't need more power you have more power than you know all you got to do is believe that you can use it and the real reason you passed out was because your body was not use to using that much power and having that much force but on it but its ok".

Rose was shocked at this "Wait so I have a lot more power then what I used"?

Voice "Yes Rose you could nearly call yourself an angel well really you could".

Rose was confused and shocked "Wait an angel does that mean I can have like white wings"?

The voice laughed "Oh Rose yes you could make yourself have white wings like the puppy angels up here".

Rose "Oh that's cool so will I wake up"?

Voice "Yes you will wake up but not right now your body in the real world is still very weak would you like to see"?

Rose "Yes please".

Suddenly an orb appeared in front of Rose and as she looked into it. Rose saw her body lying on a white bed in the med bay with Wendy and Lee lying with her and Zuma sitting right next to her watching over all three of them.

Tears started to fall from Rose's eyes.

Voice "those are happy tears aren't they Rose you have an amazing mate and two cute lovely pups you have a great family Rose".

Rose smiled "Yes I do thank you so very much if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have two pups or Zuma as my mate right now".

Voice "Oh Rose it was nothing I don't always give second chance's Rose but when I do I make sure it is a great person that gets that second chance".

Rose "Thank you for giving me the second chance I will make the most out of it I give you my word".

Voice "I know you will there is one thing I need to ask of you Rose".

Rose "Yes what is it"?

Voice "I want you call me if you ever need anything I'm here to help you no matter what".

Rose smiled "Ok then how would I call you"?

Voice "Well that's a good question but all you have to do it think the word lifeline ok".

Rose nodded "Ok then so what now"?

Voice "Now you have a relaxing time on my white beach while your body rests in real life and I'm sure you will wake up soon my deer".

Rose "Ok then but what am I poss to do there is nothing here"?

Voice giggled "Well Rose if you think of something it will appear for you like a ball or a chair or something you just can't make people appear".

Rose "oh cool".

Rose then through of a nice comfortable chair which then suddenly appeared in front of her.

Rose "Oh that's so cool" Rose then started thinking of some other things she wanted while relaxing on the beach.

Meanwhile in the med bay Zuma kept watch over Rose, Lee and Wendy.

Zuma "I will never give up on you my love" Zuma licked and nuzzled Rose's face.



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