chapter 31

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Chapter 31

So everyone as a great epic friend has done and told me I should do I will be doing a questions and answers part in the next chapter so you ask your questions in your reviews and the pups or Ryder or Katie will answer them or me thanks I hope this is a good idea.

In the pool room Rocky had used his epic skills to open the door.

Rocky "Ok now I must go find the others I'm sure Rubble will be safe in their asleep".

Rocky ran down the hallway slowly opening doors as he went.

Meanwhile in Rose's room with her lee and Wendy.

Rose "What did I just feel that for that only if something is wrong" Rose tried to call everyone but she got nothing she was starting to get worried.

Lee and Wendy where fast asleep lying up against their mother.

Rose "I have to do something I can't get on to anyone" Rose got off her bed making sure not to wake Lee or Wendy. Rose made her way to the door and noticed it wasn't opening for her.

Rose "What the hell really the doors not opening which would mean lockdown is happening but why"?

Meanwhile on the bridge.

Zuma was knocked out cold by the man with the gun as he lied on the ground with his tongue out and blood coming out of his mouth.

Marshall "Zuma, Zuma please say something"!

? pointed his gun at Marshall's head "SHUT UP YOU MUTT OR I WILL SHUT YOU UP FOR GOOD"!

Marshall stopped talking and just looked down at the floor as tears ran from his eyes onto the floor.

The man walked over to the other two man.

? "Have you two found anything yet"?

??,??? "No sir".

? "Dam it where the hell could the dam thing be we don't have that much time left to do this".

Everest "You will never get away with this ever we will stop you".

The big man walked over in front of Everest and looked at her "Really you all will stop us" the man laughed "I would love to see you all stop us because if you try to stop us you will all die".

Everest just smiled and looked at the man then giggled "there is one pup who will take all three of you down and maybe even kill you all since you hurt her mate".

The men looked confused but there are only seven of you and as far as we know that pup doesn't have a mate so stop lying to us you bitch".

Everest giggled "well I guess you guys don't know everything".

Suddenly one of the man got his gun out and hit Everest over the head knocking her out.

Marshall watched in horror as his mate was hit and knocked out. Marshall however was in a state where he was losing lots of blood after being shot 3 times in his legs.

Marshall could still feel himself getting weaker by the minute as he lost more blood.

Marshall (this isn't good at all).

Meanwhile the men had spotted Rocky on camera walking through the hallways.

? "oh good another pup we can hurt and ask where the button is you" the man pointed at one of the other man. "Go get that pup and being him up here right now".

??? nodded "Yes sir what if he fights back"?

? "then kill him right away on the spot".

??? "Yes sir" the man left the bridge and started hunting Rocky.

Meanwhile in one of the hallways.

Rocky was getting close to Rose's room and could hear her knocking on the door.

Rose knocked on the door again "Hello is anyone out their please open the door".

Rocky walked up to Rose's door.

Rocky "hey Rose it's me Rocky stand back from your door I will open for you".

Rose did what Rocky said and stood back from the door.

Rocky got started on trying to open Rose's door. After 5 minutes Rocky had Rose's door open.

Rose walked out and looked at Rocky "Thanks for that Rocky now would you mind locking it again so my pups are safe please"?

Rocky nodded "sure thing Rose" Rocky relocked the door so Lee and Wendy would be safe inside.

Rose "So Rocky why are we in lockdown what's happen"?

Rocky "I don't know honestly Rose I was in the pool room when it happened".

Rose "interesting maybe someone or some people have gotten onto the ship and are trying to take it over".

Rocky "Maybe but that would take a lot of work besides you have powers can't you just tell"?

Rose "I can't do everything Rocky sadly but how about we make our way to the bridge and see what Robo dog is up to"?

Rocky nodded "Great idea let's go".

Just as Rose and Rocky went to head to the bridge.


Three bullets flew past Rose and Rocky just missing them both by inches.

Rocky and Rose both turned to see a man pointing a gun.

??? "Wow two pups oh this is very good the boss will be very happy when I being you both to him"

Rose looked at Rocky then at the man "so I was right people trying to take over the ship well i can tell you we won't be coming with you at all" Rose smiled.

??? point his gun right at Rose "Oh yes you will be or you will both die right here on the spot".

Rose laughed "Die man you really don't know anything about who I am do you"?

The man looked at the pup "you won't in the file so I will just have to kill you right now" the man was about the fire his gun when.

Rose used her powers and took the gun from the man and turned it to dust on the ground.

The man looked at the pup with his mouth open and shocked "How the hell did you do that"?

Rose smiled "I'm not telling but you are going to tell me everything right now and we will stop whatever you're doing".

The man wasn't ready for what would come next.

Meanwhile back on the bridge.

Everest was tired back up to the chair with a deep cut on her head and blood running down her face. Everest in her head was thinking (please let the pups be alright inside me).

Suddenly one of the big man on the bridge yelled "I FOUND IT FINELY YES"!



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