Chapter 14 the day out

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Ok so here is the next chapter of lifeline I hope you all enjoy this.

All the pups were in the lounge room with Ryder waiting for Zuma and Rose to enter Zuma walked in a bit later and soon after Rose walked in and as soon as she did everyone turned to her and noticed the white stone on her collar.

Skye: "Wow Rose where did you get that stone"?

Everest: "Hey Zuma did you propose to Rose and give her the stone"?

Zuma's face went so red that it looked like he was a red stop light.

Rose laughed so much she started coughing then stopped.

Rose: "No Everest he didn't and Skye it's a long story".

Skye walked up to Rose and looked at the stone.

Skye: "It looks so nice it looks great on you Rose".

Rose: "Thanks Skye".

Rose and Zuma joined the other pups and looked at Ryder waiting to hear what he was going to say.

Ryder: "Now pups just to let you all know this morning Rose did a rescue by herself it was a pup she rescued and that pup turned into the stone that is on Rose's collar right now I don't know how so please don't ask questions".

Everyone looked at Ryder then Rose then the stone.

Rose: "That about sums it up".

Everest: "Great job Rose".

Skye: "Good job".

Rose: "Thanks everyone".

Ryder: "Now everyone since today is a great sunny day I'm taking you all out for a day out Zuma has asked if we can go to Taronga Zoo which is just across the water so we will be leaving in about 40 minutes so could everyone please go get ready for a day out".

Everyone cheer Rose cheered louder than anyone as she loved Taronga zoo it was her best place to go in Sydney.

Rose ran back to her and Zuma's room and got her bag ready as Zuma and Katie walked.

Katie: "Rose you're not carrying a bag today at all".

Rose: "What why"?

Katie: "Because of everything you have been though lately your body may not be 100% yet".

Rose signed: "Ok then".

Zuma walked up to Rose and nuzzled her on the side of her face right where she loved it.

Zuma: "I will carry your things for you my love".

Rose nuzzled Zuma back: "Thanks Zuma".

Katie: "You are such a good boyfriend to Rose Zuma anyway I will see you two later I got to go get ready".

Katie left the room to go get ready for the day out leaving Zuma and Rose in their room alone.

Zuma got his bag: "Ok Rose whatever you want to take just put it in the bag".

Rose walked over and kissed Zuma: "Thanks Zuma I will".

Rose and Zuma packed their bag as it took them 30 minutes to pack everything the both of them needed as they left their room and went to the lounge room to join up with Ryder and the others.

Ryder: "Ok then you two ready"?

Zuma and Rose: "Yes".

Ryder: "Ok then everyone else is already so let's get going first off everyone we will stay together no one goes off on their own and the navy are taking us over to the Zoo's wharf in one of their little boats so that's how we are getting their".

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